Hungry Dog Barbell Podcast

Boss Babe with Sarah Murphy

December 08, 2023 Taylor
Boss Babe with Sarah Murphy
Hungry Dog Barbell Podcast
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Hungry Dog Barbell Podcast
Boss Babe with Sarah Murphy
Dec 08, 2023

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What does it take to create and execute a successful CrossFit competition? How can you design workouts that are not only challenging but also engaging for participants? Get ready for an enthralling behind-the-scenes journey with Sarah Murphy, owner of Asbury Park Fitness and event director for the Phoenix Classic and Babes and Barbells competitions. Sarah opens up about the sweat and strategy that goes into planning these events, and we get into the nitty-gritty of event programming, competition logistics, and athlete experience.

This episode is chock-full of insights into the crafting of CrossFit competition workouts. 

From discussing the impact of competition workouts on sign-ups to the color-coding of lanes, we leave no stone unturned. We reflect on the challenges and triumphs of our past competitions and look towards the future with excitement. Whether you’re a competitor wanting to understand the method behind the madness or a potential host itching to organize your own CrossFit competition, you'll find this episode incredibly illuminating. So, tune in and gear up for an enriching ride with us.

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What does it take to create and execute a successful CrossFit competition? How can you design workouts that are not only challenging but also engaging for participants? Get ready for an enthralling behind-the-scenes journey with Sarah Murphy, owner of Asbury Park Fitness and event director for the Phoenix Classic and Babes and Barbells competitions. Sarah opens up about the sweat and strategy that goes into planning these events, and we get into the nitty-gritty of event programming, competition logistics, and athlete experience.

This episode is chock-full of insights into the crafting of CrossFit competition workouts. 

From discussing the impact of competition workouts on sign-ups to the color-coding of lanes, we leave no stone unturned. We reflect on the challenges and triumphs of our past competitions and look towards the future with excitement. Whether you’re a competitor wanting to understand the method behind the madness or a potential host itching to organize your own CrossFit competition, you'll find this episode incredibly illuminating. So, tune in and gear up for an enriching ride with us.

Speaker 1:

Boom, what up dogs? Welcome back to another episode of the Hungry Doll Barbell Podcast. We are back on again. We have a repeat guest now. That's just going to turn into a three-peat here. We're here to break down some CrossFit competition Programming. Sarah, how are you today?

Speaker 2:

I'm doing great. How are you, Taylor?

Speaker 1:

I'm good man, I'm tired. I'm still like coming down from the past two weeks. Two weekends ago I competed in a competition and in this one this past weekend we held a competition. So you know I'm ready for a little bit of quiet time, quiet time on the weekends.

Speaker 2:

Right, I hear you. I think I took a break from our competition social media account for like a month now. Like, just don't even want to see anything pink the next few.

Speaker 1:

I hear that one month. Just give me a second with the pink, but we love that I hear that I pulled a picture out of the top of my drawer this morning and I was like I'm going to put that right to the bottom for right now. You know we'll revisit that. Have you already started planning and looking forward to next year? Do you have dates picked out already?

Speaker 2:

So, as far as planning, the first thing that I start to do and it's interesting, this is what our topic is going to be about is like oh, this workout would have been sick. So, if anything, if any steps have been made towards next year, it's been starting to form some type of idea of a workout, which will change about 30 times between now and then, of course, before releasing them. But last year I picked the date a year ahead and I was going to ask what you thought about that kind of thing, because I actually think that that was the only thing that was not beneficial to my competition was picking a date so far in advance, because I ended up having, you know, water poloza qualifiers going on at the same time. People were telling me a lot of weddings Like the October date I picked was like hot wedding date. I still had an awesome turnout. In fact, I really don't know what I would have done if I got 10, 20 more teams to sign up. I really don't know what I would have done.

Speaker 2:

Right, so we.

Speaker 1:

That's a great problem to have, but yeah.

Speaker 2:

So, anyways, we haven't picked a date, but I am looking as CrossFit releases its schedule and water poloza probably looks at that and and, and I'll pick accordingly. I'm not trying to step on anybody's toes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's, it's really good when CrossFit puts out that schedule they put. They dropped the one last week and all the note of picking things out too far ahead. I have kind of learned from that also, just like you said, I don't like to go too far ahead, like I'm not looking at girls on girls like 2024 date at all. I kind of have a general idea of where it will be, just because of how Amy's always placed it like sometime in that October, november kind of range, you know as like our last comp of the of the year. But outside of that I mean I didn't know supertotals date until, like actually CrossFit dropped their schedule. So that's like how I picked that out. You know I'm like a four to five months in advance kind of person for the scheduling wise, you know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I hear that and I it. For me depends on the event. I'm either like two months, a one month, two months, or like if it's something big like this. I was like a year out and had a time fine, but I can still do the things I was doing last year without having a specific date, because everyone knows that October is about when I drop it, but I am beginning of October versus mid October Because because the weather was almost an issue for us, but we crushed it.

Speaker 2:

We it, it was, and we're all diving the workout soon, and I know you said the same thing. We texted each other Best run comp for me yet, and I think you said the same.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know, with that experience that you get from running each comp, you know you, you learn from things that you feel like you could have done better at you, you build on things that you feel like you had strengths and you know. That's just kind of how it goes, at least if you're doing it correctly, and the correctly in the sense of like leveling up or just to keep climbing up the mountain. You know, not necessarily like doing comps correctly, because there was no like really right or wrong a lot of the time, except for based off what the consumer says and what the competitors say. You know, I think the people know by now, but I did want to drop and say that this is Sarah Murphy, owner of Asbury Park Frostbite, asbury Park Fitness. Right, yep, that's what it is.

Speaker 1:

Apf and also the event director for both the Phoenix Classic, which is a same sex partner, competition with teams of two, teams of three for that one too.

Speaker 2:

Teams of three.

Speaker 1:

Both teams are three, so same sex partner competition that was going to benefit the Phoenix Go check that out. Rise, recover, and then also the event director for babes and barbells there, that's going to be the ladies. Only three person team competition. There we go. So, sarah, what's up? Let's let's start to dive into this now when, how many weeks removed from babes and barbells.

Speaker 2:

What is it? We're exactly a month away from from when babes started, so I'm going to have to get used to the pink again and dive back into it.

Speaker 1:

Now that you're like 11 months out from next year there, so we just talked about it beforehand, right, like obviously it's the female in the competition when who does the program before did you handle the program pretty much solo.

Speaker 2:

I, yeah, so I think this was the first comp I did that. I didn't let anybody touch it, I didn't I, I did everything for it. Part of it was like a Sarah Murphy mental, like you know what, you have a vision for this and sometimes too many cooks in the kitchen can can steal away. But I did have, I have, I didn't have a tester team, and what I love about our tester team is they're all males I mean I, or it would be me, and two and two of my male coaches, and I knew that being a female made it easy to program for all female comp, because I did use my base as an RX for this, which was which was helpful. You know, you have your ideal IX RX people and it differs per comp. So there were there were things that I was like you know what. No one's can complain about this, because I know that I can do that.

Speaker 1:

Right, I know how it feels already.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's doable, and this amount is doable, or this time cap is doable, which is which is cool, and and then we'll have to get into this. I had a three person comp. I don't know if we want to talk about our first workouts. What do you think?

Speaker 1:

But what was your overall theme for the comp Like? Did it benefit anything? What was your first idea Is when you're writing it down on your sheet of paper.

Speaker 2:

Okay so. So last year I did have some help with the workouts and that kind of like. Starts the theme right. But babes and barbells was created because I faced some personal things where doing business with females was not welcomed and I was like what you know I think I talked about this on one podcast I have two brothers. So accepting strong females and doing business with women the idea that that wouldn't be accepted in today's society was mind blowing to me. And I had another gym owner say that they didn't do business with 26 year old women. So I said, okay, I am going to now invent my own thing that literally promotes female businesses. So that was the creation of babes. So there's a lot of fire behind year one and we had over 130 athletes year one, which is a pretty big deal.

Speaker 2:

Over 130 and that was Taylor. That was a three month plan and it was an amazing oh yeah. And October, because we wanted to support breast cancer. So we did donate money to the Connie Dwyer breast cancer foundation. But if you look at our profile, everything is promoting female businesses. So babes and barbells is.

Speaker 2:

This is babes and barbells competition, but it's not going to be the only thing babes and barbells does Like. I see female, female business excursions and female business meetups and things like that during our the winter when the competition's not running. This is just. This is just the beginning of it. It'll be its own brand entirely, not just a competition within Asbury Park CrossFit. In fact, the goal is to, one year, not even run it at Asbury Park CrossFit, so it can be this standalone thing that the women that strong females can can celebrate in together.

Speaker 2:

But yes, this year I teamed up with the founder of compete for a cure, lindsay. She is amazing. So we did fundraiser pages and the teams were incredible and they raised a ton of money for compete for a cure. The competition raised over $5,000. And she also provides classes for those who want to train women who have breast cancer, which is which is she offers those classes, taylor, so you might be interested in that. I know you've been. You've been itching to learn more about fitness, so that's another class to add to the list, so we support it for, yeah, we support it, compete for a cure this year.

Speaker 2:

I'll probably do it again next year because she was so great to work with and so supportive of our mission. Yeah, and our hero barbell stepped in with prizes for those who raise the most money and for our Rx first place and those kinds of companies, along with bullet weight vest, who I'm sure we'll dive into when we get into the workouts. They were huge supporters.

Speaker 2:

And they're there. Some of them are bullies, female and male owned and veteran owned, but Bureau barbell is male owned and they face some adversity with a bigger company this year. But they support us and it's very cool to see all that backing for our mission to support female business owners and to raise as much money for those fighting breast cancer as possible.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome Before we, before before we. I got it all the way, though, and I'm ready to come back for some more stuff to before we dive into the actual workouts here. My last question before that is but when you were sitting down to write the standards and the logistics for the decisions, what did? What did your ideal Rx athlete look like? Like? Probably not the person that's going to come on in second or first right, because those are usually going to be the outliers, but the middle of the pack, people that are generally going to populate the Rx. What does the Rx versus scale look like?

Speaker 2:

So this year is different from what I see for future years because I do see scaled intermediate Rx. So this would be somebody who is a higher level intermediate athlete I would say would be okay in our Rx division. Does that make sense? Yeah, you know. So somebody who you know could make quarter finals, but maybe something like a super heavy barbell or or really advanced gymnastics movement would hold them back and so made it in a way where only one teammate had to have the true Rx movement. So like I did have 95 pound thrusters for reps and I did have a ton of pull ups, which isn't crazy, and I did have running with a 40 fat, 40 pound sandbag and I did have cycling a 105 barbell as fast as possible and I had one rep max movements, which meant this guy was the limit, so that you said those, those true heavy hitter outliers, could do that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah but all my workouts were constructed in a way where not everybody had to have those skills present. We had double unders. If you're somebody who's like I hate double unders, it was a workout that you could easily be like. That's fine. My other two teammates are good at it. They can do it Because I'm gonna crush. This other component and that was the beauty of having teams of three is if you were on that verge of Rx, you could probably just do it and shine in the spots you needed to. And the other beauty of having three is the size of my gym. I could have 15 athletes on the floor at a time. I'm sorry.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's really athletes on the floor at a time versus 10. And that's a really big deal when it comes to planning a competition that runs on time but also allows athletes enough rest but also keeps them moving so they're not bored.

Speaker 1:

Dude, space is probably the most important thing when you're talking about playing in these local events. You know, getting into the like the bigger stadiums and stuff like that Like that's gonna alleviate all your problems when we're in the regular gym. You know you gotta definitely plan out all your space and everything there, so let's dive into it now. Let's start talking about these first workouts that we talked about beforehand. What was your first workout? How'd you kick it off? Sarah?

Speaker 2:

So I have to start this. One was saying that I send out a survey afterwards and one of the athletes goes. That one. That first workout took a PhD to understand, but I loved it.

Speaker 2:

So it was that confusing. So first, you should know that, yes, my workouts have a theme. They're all based off of a girl workout. So this first one was based off of a girl. It was based off of and they're not going to sound familiar to you Laura, which is she used to. She was an active FBI agent who was a crossfitter in Florida and she passed away on duty. And then also a mixture of lumberjack 20, which I don't know if you know, but during the lumberjack 20 you can look up the story there there were three females who passed away, so they're one of the three that the 20 is for.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so this workout was for female, this one was for female veterans, and I did a whole thing on and on Instagram and for those two workouts. And also I had bullet weight vest. Scott from bullet, this one's for you. You're amazing. He does not come out to a lot of events, but he heard about ours and what we stood for and he was like Murph, I'm there, like I don't care, it's this big, I'm there. So I had to incorporate a weight vest into this workout, so it was surrounding these.

Speaker 2:

So what happened is athlete, one would wear a weight vest and they had to do 20 deadlifts and a 400 meter run. Okay, so they're running. Athlete a, athlete B and C, they are yeah, and they're doing this on a five minute clock. So when they get back, athlete B and C, now they can do their thing Right. So athlete is like the go button for B and C.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, athlete B and C then complete an amrap of Laura, that girl wad. So Laura, we, we just half the reps and it was an amrap of 15 calorie row, 10 burpees over the rower and five power cleans. The Rx was 105. And they kept going for the rest of five minutes. And athlete A, who just came in from the run, there off on the side and with the weight vest, they're doing 20 step ups and 20 air squats. And the reason we pick one is for lumberjack 20 and lumberjack 20. Lumberjack 20 also has that 400 meter run and lumberjack 20 also has that 20 deadlifts, so that that person who ran their, their dedication is for the lumberjack 20 movements, so that that was the purpose behind that. And lumberjack 20 was I even have the names here was designed specifically for Sergeant Amy Krueger, private Francesca Valiz and Lieutenant Colonel, lieutenant Colonel Juanita Warman and one of them was even pregnant at the time that that they were killed in Fort Hood, texas.

Speaker 2:

12 soldiers yeah, 12 soldiers and 43. So they were one of the 12, not 20, I apologize, I'm during lumberjack 20 on November 5th. So there was meaning behind that one. And then what would happen is the clock would beep beep person be, would now do the deadlifts and the run, but they did it with a sandbag of 40 pounds, sandbag from bullet, yeah, so that way, only one person had to wear the vest, because I didn't want some people not signing up because they were like I don't want to run with the vest. Only one of you.

Speaker 2:

Which made it easy for Scott, super easy for Scott, because he was like oh, one vest per team, like let's get it.

Speaker 1:

That's easy yeah.

Speaker 2:

And and that would repeat with the sandbag. They had to do the step ups and squats with the sandbag. The other two did the Amrap and then finally beep. The last person didn't run with anything, but they did the step ups and the squats with a 35 pound dump up.

Speaker 1:

So it's really on the legs. It's progressively. One athlete is doing the buy in of the deadlifts and the thing, and then the other athletes can be working through the Amrap. All that's going on.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's one of those. Workouts were on paper like what, and then when you saw it you were like this is the most fun workout.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Watching those girls run in weight best like gnarly, like gnarly, lifting them and and. And you asked how I designed workouts. I wanted to do that and I've done I've. I tested that one. But, man, I wish I could have signed up for babes and barbells, like I looked off so fun.

Speaker 1:

It's one of those ones that looks cool, yeah, so what? What are the scores for this workout?

Speaker 2:

There are two scores. There is the Amrap of lumberjack 20. And there is the Amrap of Laura. Those are the two scores.

Speaker 1:

What did you put into this workout first? What was what was at the very inception of it?

Speaker 2:

So originally a was just doing a 400 meter run getting back and the other people were doing the Laura. So Laura did come first and I was like I really had wanted to do a hero workout. There was a point in time where I almost got a rig Taylor, so that they could do a variation of Murph. That was first. It was going to be called Mrs Murphy's Shouter and they were doing. They were doing a variation of Murph.

Speaker 2:

And then you thought about the five hours you'd be outside putting that damn break up that and I had pull ups in another spot and I wasn't willing to let it go and I didn't want to repeat that. So also this workout allowed for me to have eight lanes outside, which is huge.

Speaker 2:

I had eight and two judges. I have eight or six and two judges per team because you have two ammraps going on, right. Yeah, that was a big thing for it and I had to. A lot of it was the weight vest. A lot of it was the way best was something I wanted in there. But I wanted in a way that would be easy enough but also showcase bullet. So there had to be more than just a run with those vests. I was like there's got to be something else and I saw picture if you look at like bullets website, there's a girl holding this sandbag and stepping up on the box and I'm like, oh, you look so bad.

Speaker 2:

That girl, you get it. Girl, she looks like a boss. I want these girls to feel whatever that girl and that picture is feeling, so we're going to make them do something like that. So there were a few things that that workout was played with. That workout was played with a lot, a lot.

Speaker 1:

I love that like the cinematic part of creating the competition to the, creating the workouts there. That's a big part of like what I try to do to you know, and all the different concepts, especially with the flow of it and the setup and how things are going to be.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

All right, here we go. Let's dive into girls. On girls, first workout here yeah, I'm excited.

Speaker 1:

So, similar to you, I had a theme at the beginning of doing girls on girls, based off of girl workouts. You know the girl cross at workouts, different variations. I think for most years and I kind of want to bring that back this year at the very beginning is kind of when I started off with that as so, workout one the original workout one was going to be and it still kind of stayed this way was going to be a version of Isabel 30 snatches for time. Along with Karen is Karen 150 wall balls, I think, Karen 150 wall balls. So it's going to be those two combined together.

Speaker 1:

There was a lot more wall balls and a lot more power snatches, broken up kind of however you wanted between you and your partner, and then another version of it. It had ascending weight in the snatches and still 30 reps split up between you and your partner. That's kind of like that's, that's a horse that's been beaten to death. You know everyone does that and all the kind of competitions and the final iteration that I came to. Then it was this version of the workout that we have.

Speaker 1:

Before I had, I think, six rounds for time with five power snatches and like 50 wall balls or however many would add up to the Karen. So it was still. It was still Karen. The final version that we have now is in an 18 minute window. Part one is for time. Four rounds you go, I go style, which means you complete a full round. The your partner pizza completes a full round of 10 power snatches at 55 for scaled, 65 for Rx and 20 wall balls. Scale had 14 pound ball to the nine foot line. Rx had the 14 pound ball to the 10 foot line, which I think made all the difference and I was super happy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I turned out in the workout.

Speaker 1:

All the ladies were used. That's a. Initially I was going to do a 20 pound ball. We've done that for the ball. We've done that. I mean, you see that in quarter finals for the girls, if they throw the heavier ball but it's usually to the nine foot line I thought it would be much more devastating, to be honest, to make them throw a foot higher, something that they would actually have to like train for and do a little bit, and I think that you saw that in the competition day who kind of practice it a little bit beforehand and who kind of just figured they'd be able to throw the ball a foot higher.

Speaker 2:

I like that.

Speaker 1:

That's a thousand. A really good twist to so we practice this beforehand. Amy and myself did it solo with the longer six round one, and I think we thought it was more appropriate to make it an all out sprint for everyone that could hold on to all 20 wall walls. Hold on to them If you've never done that before, maybe push you to go on broken and all 20 wall walls to really gas you and it's in your partner in there. Part two to this workout in the remaining time period, you and your partner both are building up to a one rep max snatch and that can be any style muscle power or the full squat, heaviest lifts combined. So both of you guys are sharing one barbell. Heaviest lifts combined will be your score for part two. They're both going to be fully scored. And then the other workouts being they're both worth 100 points. The goal, the stimulus for the first workout, for most of the better teams, are going to be around four to five and a half minutes on that. So you have then another 13 minutes to lift. Most of us sat down for like a good three minutes, got our lungs back, because it's like a definitely friend long kind of workout with the squats and the power snatches. I think there's some teams or around like nine minutes, you know. So then they had like nine up to like 12 minutes to lift. We saw a lot of PR is going down. It was exciting. People felt really warmed up by the time they got to that full snatch. You know they were already grooving. They were ready to lift. Yeah, it was really excited.

Speaker 1:

I love to do I love to do the latter kind of thing where you spread it out on the floor. You have all those bars. It's a cool look. But I like I think my favorite is a partner aspect sharing a barbell going to a max lifts, because then you're like really feeding off the other person. You know, I think that really pushes people to hit those PRs and all that stuff. And yeah, I thought this was really good workout. I initially had the Rx barbell a little bit heavier. I had it at 75. I thought for one I wanted people to go really fast on the workout, so I dropped it down to 65 and for two, I had a thruster later on in the day. For Rx that was 65 and the scale was the same weight and I was like it just makes sense to have the same barbells out on the floor, like I don't want to make a different bar just for one workout. If I can have the ball be the same weights, I think that's the most appropriate thing to do, you know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's a huge part of it and I don't think some people don't think don't notice how much thought process that goes into it. But you also want to make that day flow for you. So, like where the barbells go and things like that. We had to move our barbells, like two of them at one point, but that was it, you know. So I really like that it's 18 minutes because I had a two parter we'll get into because that's my second workout, but I like that. Yours was 18 minutes versus from zero to nine this and then from 18 this, which means and correct me if I'm wrong some people were still doing the first part, while others might have already started snatching right.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Very cool and so, like, you got to decide how long you had to recover from your friend cough.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly so in practice there was a lot of people like literally like breaking the bar all the way down, sitting down changing their shoes, you know, one of those kind of vibes which is something that we also see like in the open, in quarter finals. You know, there's usually going to be that kind of stimulus and, to be honest, a lot of my stuff is based off of either where quarter finals and open the open has taken us or where I can kind of see it taking us, you know, as far as layout for things are going to go. But yeah, I was really happy with that first workout here. Let's move on to workout to for babes. I got to pull it up now. Oh, we got the barbells coming out.

Speaker 2:

I know you. It's funny, you said Fran. So we always base off girl wads to and my, my last few wads are some of the classics. We have hot five friend and I get a little party with the names.

Speaker 2:

It's one of my favorite parts. But hot five Fran is exactly what it sounds like. It's on a four minute clock, alright, which some which this was like a thing like some people are like we can't finish it in four minutes and it's like, it's okay, like then your reps count and the outliers will finish and finish quick. But four minute cap the team completes 45 pull-ups while one member holds a loaded barbell in the front rack position. Feel like if you're putting on a three team comp, there's a hold somewhere in there, right, because you don't want both athletes for sure resting and then directly into partner a 21 thrusters at the latest weight.

Speaker 2:

Partner B 15 thrusters at the heavier and then partner C 9 thrusters at the heaviest. So the RX was 65, 85, 95, so weights that weren't so heavy where you should really break them up, which means that they would really get that, especially if you're true RX like that 95, like 9 thrusters at 95, sucks, but you're gonna do it. I'm broken because you're the anchor and you better.

Speaker 1:

For sure You're here. It's time to do it right, but not all.

Speaker 2:

But not all members had to have the pull-ups and not all members had to have the ability to thrust 95. But if you didn't thrust 95 pounds, you better thrust 65 quick, right? So that was fun. But hot-flash Fran, very similar, yours, only different because there was like a mandatory rest had yeah minutes, had two minutes rest and then it went right into total babes, which is a spin off of the CrossFit total yeah, which was interesting because I was like. I was like Taylor. How often do any CrossFit competitions play with like squat rack?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, for sure.

Speaker 2:

They don't right and I almost I thought about a snatch. I'm like their snatch isn't warmed up. I thought about a heavy thruster, but we did something. We did like a clean complex for the Phoenix Classic. I'm like nobody really likes heavy thrusters that much, so we did a mix off of total babes. So one member had to establish a Three rep max front squat. It wasn't a back squat, we decided on the front squat for safety purposes in regards to bailing, a One rep max strict press and a five rep max deadlift.

Speaker 1:

Well. I like that another barbell.

Speaker 2:

All one barbell and it had to be in that order, which was, if you know, if you know the CrossFit total it goes yes, what squat? Strict press, deadlift. So part of it was that I wanted to keep that, but part of it was also I wanted them, after their front squats, to have to reload yeah, the first press, because I also wanted them to be able to move the bar safely from strict press down to the floor for a deadlift. So yeah, but when people are like, why not have the strict press first? Well, there was a safety thought behind it. Like I want you to move your own barbell down and you know the heaviest strict presses, maybe 135, maybe 155 for some really, really strong girls that showed up, but most of them were like 6595 Right, you safely move that to the floor versus your crazy front squats that we're getting to like 260s and things like that.

Speaker 1:

So that was fun, great and that uh, that that's gonna give your deadlift person a little bit more time to like you're ready to go up to the big weights there, you know, because that's gonna be over pretty quick. Your, your strict press, strict press person.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, it doesn't even take that much time, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So how did that go? How was your overall feeling on that that worked out that day.

Speaker 2:

That. That was awesome. Yeah, that one was that. My. My judges and volunteers are fantastic. Fantastic because you have to be on it, because there's that too many rest and then, all of a sudden, it's something else and you have to be able to do quick math. You've judged one of my comms before. My score sheets are like. I Think that they are like pretty laid out, right yeah they're pretty laid out there, they're pretty easy to get.

Speaker 2:

So so that was a big deal and like they're already preset in the lanes so you don't even have to write down names, names or anything, so that one went, that one went smooth and once again two scores. I think the more scores you have an account, the better like it allows opportunities for underdogs to rise, or like you can have a bad workout and still have your head in the game.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So I have a question. This will kind of lead into my way too. Was there any tags anywhere for either the workouts that we've gone over or the last workout coming up? So you have any of that.

Speaker 2:

The athletes had to stand somewhere specifically, so I did release like a floor plan.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I see that in the chat too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so for safety purposes, if you weren't, if you weren't lifting, you had to be behind the rig. Yeah, athletes were able to help with like Changing weights and things like that, but you had to kind of be in certain spots in order for your Especially during the thruster one like you were allowed to wait if you were the next Athlete. The next athlete and the previous athlete were allowed to help change weights, but otherwise you had to be behind the rig, and that's just a safety thing. Um, I was a stickler about which way the bar faced Me and you have both judged higher level comps and we know that there's a look that they're looking for and it does. It makes so that one way, when somebody like Gabe comes in and takes videography, it just looks good and and he knows where everyone's supposed to be and makes it easy for someone like that to move throughout your competition.

Speaker 1:

For sure, and it could just be a safety thing. So for the next person coming out, they kind of know where things are going to be. They can start planning, just like how they're going to lift all and all those different things For your, your workout. Hot flash friend, this is just like one of those smaller things that if you never planned to copy, wouldn't really be thinking about. But you have the three different athletes doing three different things. Right, like everyone has to have a role, do you think about beforehand, like, like overplayed into the point of like having the judges have some sort of designated way to decide who we each, each athlete is? Because, just like you said, we've talked about doing comps and I've been out there before and they've had to have the three different athletes do the three Different things and I'm like, oh shit, I really don't even remember that if this is the same athlete that already did something, is this a new athlete? I fucking no idea. You know I forgot because I'm locked in.

Speaker 2:

I mean.

Speaker 1:

Or do you just trust the people that they're gonna be like? Y'all gonna send a different person into all three different things.

Speaker 2:

It's. The thing is there wasn't. They only went once. So like, yeah, and all my thrusters were at the end. So like if you, let's say you had me, amy and and Casey on a team like if I do the first set of thrusters and I come out for the third set, you're gonna know they're right there. That's not like there's no clubs going on in between. Right, you're gonna be like this girl, casey, never did any thrusters. What's happening? Which, casey, if you're listening?

Speaker 1:

now. Yeah, so now that I just said that on the air, some teams gonna try to pull that off.

Speaker 2:

Watch, it's gonna happen but the judges are pretty good and the girls are good about being like. I'm at the ABC For the first workout. They did tell the judges I'm a, I'm BMC. Oh, that's dope because that was it before yeah, well, the people who were getting weight best were getting fitted Right. Yeah, and, and that workout was so gnarly where you knew if you were the one running with the sandbag, the weight vest or not. Yeah, yeah, cuz, cuz, cuz. Scott doesn't mess around man, he fits that weight vest to you.

Speaker 1:

He's like this is not Not flopping yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I'm very grateful so it's Into the second workout for girls old girls, speaking of sandbags, right. So another way that I try to play these workouts I usually want to try to do something a little bit different that people are doing. I had the girls workouts in mind Beforehand. That's gonna come into play right now, and then also for the ease of judges and Like how they're gonna, how their day is gonna go, how it's gonna go to judge the event, right. So with that said, workout to now initially started off as some variation of Diane Um I. I had a point where it was another two-part workout that had a max deadlift. I don't know why I want to just do two max lifts in there. I had one partner doing one thing, another partner doing another thing and they were gonna flip flop and then each do the other amrap too. But then I laid it on this.

Speaker 1:

So workout to is a nine-minute amrap with nine sandbag cleans. The cleans for the competition we're saying back to shoulder, extension of the hips, the knees. You don't have to take that other hand off, you can leave both hands on. Nine Handstand push-ups. Scaled had one ab mat. So in this competition we went lighter with the barbells. What we required the scaled athletes to have a little bit higher level skill. You know, one ab mat and then they also really pull a plater on. So there was that, and then our x did flat mat. Uh, and then the third movement was a box jump over. The caveat to this workout Is that after the same bads were completed, the same back knees were completed.

Speaker 1:

Um, for the handstand push-ups and the box jump overs to count, the non-working athlete had to be holding the sandbag. So we're essentially playing hot potato with the same bag for nine minutes. The same bag got stay off the floor for the whole time, and I also was very happy with how this turned out. Everyone was telling me that it was like there was no rest over this nine-minute period If we didn't require both athletes to have to have handstand push-ups.

Speaker 1:

So if you were the one that wants to do rx but you didn't have handstand push-ups, you could hold the sandbag for like pretty much the whole time. Everyone, for instance, tell me that it turned out that she, you would do like back and forth. They would do like two cleans each and then she would end up doing the last three and then she would hold the sandbag for the handstand push-up. She would drop it, do the nine box up overs and then do the cleans again. So there was no break for her. It was box jumps the sandbag, cleans and hold the sandbag, and I was like that's exactly what I wanted to hear.

Speaker 2:

That's a dream come true for me you just described I should have signed up.

Speaker 1:

Look at that Right just holding, holding that and jumping right a lot of grump work pretty much going on in that workout, in the short style. So now at this point I've had them work out for only probably about two minutes in that first metcon, so they got a sprint style workout, while this second workout is shorter, only nine minutes duration. You're gonna be working for pretty much a lot of the time, so it's going to feel like more of a middle duration workout. You know there's a lot less place to just rest in that one. And then I have my long one that I'll talk about for the third one. But for this, going back to diane, we still do have um, it's reminiscent of of diane Right, because we have that pull off the floor and the sandbag for the sandbag clean. We have that handstand push-up. You're going inverted and you're doing press and really to kind of glue those two things together, even though it's a little bit longer than diane. I threw the box jump over just to get you a little bit more winded, because that's what you're going to feel. Um, for diane, because it's going to be like a four-minute workout. You know, um, I was really happy with that, I did it.

Speaker 1:

Oh, the tag. We talked about the tag earlier. Gail did 75 pound sandbag, rx did a hundred pound sandbag and, like I said, they had to stop up on the shoulder. For the first workout I had a tag designated in um, since that was the yugo iGo style workout. After the 20th wall ball they had to tag their partner so they could start their snatches. For this workout I didn't need a tag Because the sandbag hole is going to designate when the person is going to uh move and just for everyone else out there. The tags are so that the judge can have time to go from looking at one thing to looking at the next working person and since I had the slowdown of the sandbag going on in there, the judge doesn't need like time to turn around and look. You know Like it's going to be slow enough already from that and you can hear when that drop happens Pretty audibly from the sandbag.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, nobody's moving if that happens. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, and no one's going to slowly put a sandbag down when they've been holding it for four and a half minutes. They're going to have to just let it go for that to happen. I was happy with that workout. We have three full workouts in now. I still haven't had any like Things that I would improve on those two workouts, but there's one coming up in the third workout for me. Uh, back to babes. So after those workouts, did you have another uh full workout before you guys had a championship one, or was that the last of the regular workouts?

Speaker 2:

We had. We had a third workout. We didn't do a championship workout. I haven't run a comp with a championship workout. I'm trying to Trying to figure out how I would do that and keep people around and interested, um, which maybe they would, maybe I just I mean, everybody's fired about babes, but my third workout was a was a um variation of annie. This one I, this one I created immediately after the last conference called annie and the alps.

Speaker 1:

Hell yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, annie, and the alps. So we're breaking out jump ropes and we're doing sit-ups. And then the alps is. We broke out ski ergs too, which is, um, not everybody plays with those in comps, but I had got them, for I bought one for phoenix classic and I was like all right, we got to use this bad boy.

Speaker 1:

So, um, it was like I got it, we got to do it.

Speaker 2:

Right, so it was um on a 10 minute timer. You had um you had to do and this was split as you wanted 100 double unders, 50 synchro sit-ups for two partners.

Speaker 2:

Oof 80 double unders, 40 synchro sit-ups, 60, 30, 40, 20, 20 dubs and 10 synchro sit-ups. So I doubled the double unders, I kept the sit-up number the same, but you had to do them synchro and then um, while so one person is working on double unders and then, um, someone the whole time is skiing. So like, let's say, partner a is doing the dubs, partner b is skiing, then when a is done with dubs, you know, two are two are doing the sit-ups, and then they can swap however they want, whenever they want.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So there were two scores for this one. Um, I was. I. That's something I did well this year Is there were two scores for every single like of the three workouts.

Speaker 1:

So there was more chances for points.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there was the time of annie and the amount of calories skied. Some people kept somebody on the skier the whole darn time and like, and that was it. Um, and some of those teams crushed it because they did that. Some people only ever had one person double under. Some people split them. I know, um, I was very proud of our. We have our 16 year old stud. She came out hot with a hundred double unders. I'm broken. I was like oh man awesome.

Speaker 2:

Um, so that one was how we ended it. Um, and, and that one I had had for a while. We didn't have a barbell on that one. I had barbell present in in the three workouts previously, so I didn't need it. Um, and then the rigs were closed. My rigs fold in and out, so, so usually my competitions go indoor wad, outdoor wad, indoor wad. So one workout can be set up while the other one is happening.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I really like that.

Speaker 2:

It flows beautifully Um yeah.

Speaker 2:

So, that, but it um was supposed to rain that day later on, and so we did outdoor workout, indoor, indoor, and my, my equipment crew was on it, like I had an equipment crew this time around, just swapping out this ski, and it didn't. No time wasted. We were done by. We were done no later than then three o'clock I was calling podium, I think like two thirty three o'clock. I was calling podium, which is insane. Yeah, we had like a hundred and I don't know something, 120 something athletes and we were done and and yeah, that workout was fun. It was crazy core tax, right, you have, and that was what I was looking for. You had the ski, which was like core, right core and lats and shoulders, and then you had sit-ups, which was crazy core, and then you had double unders, which was shoulders, so there wasn't really escaping attacking your abs and shoulders, and that was the feedback I kind of got out of that one when we tested it originally, when I tested it listen to this psychopath I had a hundred sit-ups and then oh.

Speaker 2:

Insane, but that that it was way too much so you had to yeah, a lot. But that one was that one was a lot of fun and at first I was like let's just make it for time. And then I was like you know what? Let's my business partner, he, he makes some really fun workouts. Next time I I make workouts I'm gonna have him more involved. He was like, dude, just have him go nuts on the ski in the last, if they finish early, like, just like. And I was like, yeah, and that was cool to see them go nuts. And I had one of our stud volunteers, ryan Clements, running the MC at that time, so he just created a lot of energy in the room.

Speaker 2:

Like everybody's calories and the girls are just yeah head banging on that skier going nuts.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome. That's always great when you can make moments like that, you know yeah, yeah, you want to.

Speaker 2:

You want a heavy barbell component somewhere, need high energy. I Mean, I'm a big advocate of shouting out people and just showing your grateful. Kareem comes to our DJs. Kareem, the owner of CFS One of the owners comes and DJs our event. And it's incredible, it isn't Mm-hmm yeah.

Speaker 1:

I love that.

Speaker 2:

What'd you?

Speaker 1:

have here we go. Third workout here now. Last one, another one that I I did keep my initial concept on. With this third workout, I want to bring in Jackie, because that's a terrible workout for everybody.

Speaker 1:

So Jackie hurts. We have four time a 1k road. To start it off. That's gonna be waterfall style with one partner going if they do a 500 meter row and then the other partner will do their 500 meter row. My standard was that you had to keep your feet in the straps until your screen said 500 and that you had to do all 500 and then get off like you could have do 250, 250 and then after that both partners work again. Now we have 25 sick road thrusters that sinker with the top Fully locked out 55 pounds for scaled, 65 for RX. So then that comes back into play from earlier with the changing the barbell weight and then from there we have 30 chest of bars. You could break those up However you want. Only one partner can work at a time. This is kind of where I have the one like negative feedback, like I wish I would have done that better or thrown in this statement when I made a little bit better. I'll talk about that after I finish. Then we go back up the ladder 25 sink road thrusters and then finish with a 500 meter row for each partner and time. There was a tie break after the chest of bars whenever you finish those. So just so I could actually have people like push all the way through would not go hard on the second half and kind of back off. I'm the first one. Now.

Speaker 1:

This one was personally my favorite workout, especially for right after it happened, because Scaled like it must have been really challenging for them, or should be pretty challenging for them, I should say because, like they were hurting. After the workout was over, you know what? They got off the floor pretty quickly After the first heat of RX for the last three heats of ours that I had with the workout was over, I turned the music off and walked out on the floor like nobody was moving. Like the video that Gabe had, it's just everyone writhing, like the video that he had. He looked at me at the after he shot like the first few heats and he was like dude, the video's just gonna start off with bodies. Everyone was just like this, like they could not move at all, on the floor, rolling back and forth, and I was like this is exactly what I wanted, you know. So I love that aspect of it it really.

Speaker 1:

It is the regular workouts off. On the right note, like just in case you thought your soul was gone earlier, no, we're really just gonna finish it off right here now. The one thing that like I like I wish I had done this better. This is like the only thing that was a little bit off. I didn't have a designated waiting area or tag for this workout.

Speaker 1:

With the amount of chest to bar and pull-ups for for scaled and the sick growth resters, I thought that would second separate enough and not separate it out enough. But, like when you have a ring, you have a finite number of space right and with six people out of the floor that's how many people I had in each heat Underneath the pull of bar there's plenty of space. But if one team occupies two different bars so they could kind of go back and forth While there's no standard against it and I should have put that in there it creates like it takes it away from someone else's space, I should say, and like that that happened in the middle of one of the heats, like their team was going one for one and like Some girl was kicking the other girl, like during the kip I was gosh, should have had him wait back behind the judge. That's the idiot thing not to do. But you know you live with your learn from stuff like that. But that was definitely the one thing I was like damn we should have, I should have had. I should have been like super clear and where everyone was gonna be, because then that's like what, how you have the best communication you know. But dude that.

Speaker 1:

I was so glad that he put that video out, because that's exactly what it looked like, just Rolling back and forth. If you look at the background of stuff, you can see like something new every time, like a person rolling off and just straight up being dead. It's, it was amazing. If you ever done Jackie before, like in a regular class, you already feel the pain. Now put it in a competition setting the Intensity goes to the roof. It's, it was great.

Speaker 2:

I. We did a variation of Jackie last year, so it was interesting. You said that it was like an emom sink row thrusters. Yeah, but the amount of emoms that there were added up to the number of reps of thrusters in. Jackie. So is it like again, two person, three person, comp. How do you make that that work? And it was, I liked how you said it. It was like it was like your row was for time and then we had like an emom thrusters with Max, but ours was like an amrap of Chester bar.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so that's very cool and you guys had a. You guys had a Championship workout, right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I'll go over that now. So for the other three workouts, see what did I have. I had a Two pulls from the floor and the snatch and the sandbag there, one light and then one what I would call Moderately heavy for both the divisions. I mean, girls are probably used to throwing around a little bit heavier than 100 by now. Then I had that squat and the wall ball there. I have another squat in the thruster, I have the cardio machine, I have the handstand pushup, like what I call moderate level gymnastics. I want to go a little bit higher level for the championship but also make it short again. So we had four time, one time through Starting off with 20 sink row burpees over the line.

Speaker 1:

Partners just had to get both feet over a line. They'd have to stand up all the way the single for the burpees at the bottom. From there they did it at 80 foot walking lunge in two shuttles. Essentially, one partner went 20 feet out, 20 feet back, with dumbbells up on the front wrap. One partnered went second partner up and back and then they had 40 ghd sit-ups. They could split those up however they want another 80 foot lunge. So up and back for each partner and then finish it off with 20 bar muscle ups. So pretty quick for the top teams, the top three teams.

Speaker 1:

I had top four go to championships. The top three teams were all done in like I think Reese and Becky finished in like four minutes and then up to like seven for RX and then scale. They had the same thing. I let them do the ghd sit-ups. I had different heights for the mats that I put down for RX and scaled, but they did chest the bar instead of the bar muscle ups there. So again, most teams done in under eight minutes. So real quick didn't take up like too much time out the comp, but they definitely felt the effects of it after the rowing, the thrusters, that sandbag before you know. So the core was already super taxed. Some teams, like Becky and Reese, only reached it all the ghd's and then the next partner did like a whole bunch of bar muscle ups, you know.

Speaker 1:

So we had the high level gymnastics with the ghd and that bar muscle up in there. Then we taxed the rest of the legs and core if you have anything left with the burpees and the lunges, you know. So I like that one. It was quick, easy, we had it done, any ghd's and we don't have a lot of them, so we only have enough for like top four teams and that's what we do for championships. So I thought it all worked out, you know, and I want to do something, some kind of like travel thing. I like to put that in competitions like not just like a rep thing, but make you like you have to work to get to this spot, you know. So, since CrossFit is based off of, you know uh, work capacity, you know, I think the best work capacity is like you taking a load and traveling with it. So that was fun.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's interesting. So it's interesting like you kind of. Right before this, you went through your checklist and my checklist is is your checklist started with like movements? You're like we had an upside down, we had, oh, like a pull-up, we had a Sandbag and, and my. It's funny because my checklist, when I start making workouts, starts with Alright, make sure that we have and and the movements are for sure, true, but because it's teams of three, I'm like, alright, we need an emom component.

Speaker 2:

We need a we need a relay, we need a hold and we have to have a synchro right Like is it a?

Speaker 2:

partner competition If you don't have like a synchro component, right. So like, then I have all those and then I'll take, I'll take a girl wad and be like whoa, it'd be cool to have a mix of this, like this is how it's gonna go and like, let's say, um, you know, and Diane I would have loved to mess around with Diane, but Karen is what I'm looking at for next year a huge hint, right.

Speaker 2:

And I say okay, karen, alright and I like it written this way that's our emom, like, that's our emom component. And then like, okay, I need something else, like, and then, but it's um, so it's interesting. And then, as I go through and like, I make little tweaks. It's like we need the gymnastics component on the rig, because you have to, right, and I'm not even a huge gymnastics person but you have to have it like a machine, maybe two, right, it's easy to use, the overuse, the rower, right, but like Right right, but like so it is fun.

Speaker 2:

Like I would say your ghd was like our ski right, Like how often do you see a ghd in a comp? Or how often do you see a ski Right, exactly. Probably see a ski more than a ghd, but you are able to incorporate it, even though it's something hard to put into competitions, because you put it as the, as the finale, which means not everybody had to use them, even though you guys have a lot like. When I was there, you guys have like 70 ghds, don't you?

Speaker 1:

We have five ghs. Yeah, we have five ghds. I would say it's more than the norm we have six, but the wood's a little goofy to use, so we don't usually use that for competitions or anything like that. You know, it's kind of like the the fugly cousin.

Speaker 2:

Right, yeah, the fugly cousin. Everybody has a fugly cousin piece of equipment. We have a fugly assault bike, so I'm fine but, but building those and then, like I also think about like fun factor, um, which is like, yeah, what are you gonna make them go? That was a good time. I want to go back and, of course, safety, like safety is first. I know, um, we talked about like what mistakes you made and at first I wanted to be like none. I was amazing, like that's not true, right.

Speaker 1:

Um, I'm past that. I'm past that point. I'm like no what the fuck?

Speaker 2:

what did I do?

Speaker 1:

wrong. Okay, you know.

Speaker 2:

No. So, um, my big, my big, uh bugaboos were and you reminded me this with your kipping was when you have a max lift and you have some fierce girls on the floor they're looking for two and a half. They don't care, they'll go and lane three and take their. Yeah, no matter how many darn times you gotta tell them they can't do that. So like, maybe color coding every other lane next year I know that sounds like a lot of work, but I've also seen gyms do it for breast cancer and it looks sick like tab, like plates or a pink, white, whatever Tape on the outlines or like be aware of maybe like a ladder where they are specific weights versus just build to a max, because You've seen my gym, the lanes are tight so I get easy to reach over.

Speaker 2:

And then I guess my other thing was I made a quick change from the back squat to a front squat. I wouldn't consider that mistake. I think that was a smart, smart call. I think I had one one lady complain about it and I wanted to be like listen, you go to a power lifting me and at a power lifting me they have like straps.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, levers and all that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's scary, yeah, so that was. My big change was back squats, a front squat, and the other big change would be being smarter about how we do. Is one right backs lifts because the ladies are fierce? No, they'll take sure. Wait right out of your lane.

Speaker 1:

Hell yeah, man, when people they turn that, you turn to who you really are. We are that competition, for you know, it's all coming out of you.

Speaker 2:

And we did. Um, I don't know if you did some cool prizes. I know you did really cool prizes for your last one, but I Think the coolest thing for me this year I always get really excited when I hear it's there somebody's first competition, like, that's very cool. Now I get really excited when they say that they always come back and they're excited for the next one because we did like. We did sweatshirts. I have to send you one. You, you dig the sweatshirts and then, um, like, the RX podium winner called me and when you have somebody call you, you're like oh no, what did I do wrong? Like for something good is zero, but they were. Like, sarah, your prizes were awesome, like, and I did.

Speaker 2:

I lucked out with some great sponsors. Vindicate lifting the dream Paper Street gave us some money. Um, hero barbell was one of our like gold level sponsors and I don't know if you've heard of steel monkey. Wow, they are, they're incredible. So next time you have an event, definitely reach out to steel monkey off to give you his contact, because he is, that's a good dude. And they, their supplements are amazing.

Speaker 1:

It's awesome and when you you were talking about kind of how we had a checklist of things we did.

Speaker 2:

I would think.

Speaker 1:

The things that I first started with. So like, when I look at, uh, I really like what you said about the relay and I Really like to look at, I want to maximize how much time both athletes or three, like however many athletes I have are Working out. So, yeah, I usually will draw out my either ideas and I'll make like a little like Pillar or tower next to or something like that. It's like alright, if this workout or if this entire comp has this many minutes of of exercising time on the floor in it, right, how much time is each person working out? So, like, I drew my tower for workout one and I'm like, okay, I'm thinking it's gonna be about five minutes for for the first part. Right, we have an 18 minute window, but five minutes for the first part. Both athletes are probably gonna work out two and a half minutes each, all right, so there's two and a half minutes of you resting and then for the lifts, you guys, it's a little bit harder because that's the rest of your time period and you guys can be rested in between each lift. So I'm not really gonna think about that. That's however many times, however many You're gonna take, like five, six. Now workout two I have nine minutes and I know in that time period there is there is to win.

Speaker 1:

Both athletes have to be working most of the time. You know that in that workout because you either have to be holding or have to be doing the workout to get the reps. And I made that one the shortest because I don't like to put that in workouts where it's just to when you have to Do more work than the losers. But it's all right in that time period because both athletes are doing the most amount of work. And then for workout three, for that time period You're pretty much both gonna be working the whole time.

Speaker 1:

If that one cable road takes four minutes, then you'll both be working for two minutes. You'll have two minutes of rest on the front end, in the back end, for the sick row thrusters you both have to be working, so that covers that. And then for your pull ups that's the lowest amount of reps for the everything in the workout. So if you're resting during that I'll give you three minutes. For the pull ups you both be working for a minute and a half. Rest for a minute and a half. So in my 16 minute workout there's four minutes of rest for a person and I'm like all right, that's acceptable for me now. So for my whole frickin, what did I say? I had like 35 minutes of total working out time and the both athletes are working out for like 25 minutes of that 35, you know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's, that's really, that's a really great way to do it, like that's smart and like that's what I if you want.

Speaker 1:

If you have a partner competition, then then that's what you should be looking at. You know, there's competitions that I've seen where it's like three piece of cup, three person competition and then every workout is alright, you're only gonna be every athlete's only working out one time, relay style.

Speaker 2:

You know like yeah, yeah, for one over the relay.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's um, Um, like you talked about, then you're really out of there, you know and there's no way to feel it right.

Speaker 2:

So so my first workout a wasn't gonna keep going. After they came in for the run, they were gonna be done for the rest of five minutes and I'm like, no, they got to keep working, they got to keep doing right so they keep going with their own ram rap. They're moving the only For that is that it's.

Speaker 2:

It's not gonna overdo it for your person, you know right, it just keeps them going and um, but it the only rest they would get is the amount of time that it takes that person to run and deadlift, which is like. It was like there's a 400 meter runs, but like hardly. It was like slightly under, so it was like less than half three minutes, yeah, so yeah, it was like to it was maybe two minutes.

Speaker 2:

You know so Um that and so that one that that change was necessary. And then the last one is like you really want to have everybody moving or you're gonna lose.

Speaker 2:

My middle one was Was you got some time to rest? For sure, that was more realized style, but it it was good because it it warmed you up but didn't crush you to lift heavy right afterwards. But I do, I like what. I like what you had to say, and and sometimes with a three person, it's like if you add a hold it makes a tremendous difference.

Speaker 1:

Um, yeah, exactly.

Speaker 2:

I've been to a. I've been to a competition where the sandbag hold just like how you had. So like when you said that, like I Could see myself holding that thing, and that's work like that is work and such a simple thing that you can add that's now like alright, this just got that much harder, because when you're done with the sandbag to ask you to perform any type of Burpee or any time of lift or jump, is that much more significant, right?

Speaker 1:

so, oh hell yeah what, you get your heart rate up and you pick that sandbag, it's like, oh, this is a whole different world, you know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm gonna be working on Phoenix Classic workouts. I've thought about not outsourcing it but having a sponsor of, of, like a Of a higher fitness program. Yeah, program it I currently. I currently have a coach and I love how he programs and I would just be interested to see how he would write them.

Speaker 1:

I don't know yeah like that.

Speaker 2:

But I always wonder, like, is there something that I'm not seeing from the outsiders point of view that they would just do in such a creative way?

Speaker 1:

Yeah yeah. Think it's always gonna be open to things like that. You know, even if you don't pursue it, just being open to it will. Yes good enough sometimes, you know.

Speaker 2:

I stole some ideas from you as you were talking. Isabelle is something I've always wanted to mess with too.

Speaker 1:

It's like doing it in a way that, like this throws a little bit of twist on it. Maybe you put a little bit of your personality into it, all those different things, because at this point, like anyone can really just go Say, hey, I have a comp quarter account, I'm gonna put these workouts together, or the same day for people and say it's a competition. But, like, what can you do, that's like your expertise, to make it a little bit different, you know, and in complement with the rest of things that you want to do and I do think, I do, I do think and this is just the world of like Business in order for something to run again, like how many sign-ups can I get?

Speaker 2:

like Is what I write gonna deter people from coming? Because that is a factor as much as we want to program the things we want to program. Oh, yeah, yeah if our buyers are not gonna buy into it, we can't program that. So, like I do See a future, I know for my comp where there is, where there's Rx, intermediate and scaled because Yours is different than mine, like I wouldn't go bar muscle up because where we are, I don't think that I would see as big of a turnout with teams of years.

Speaker 2:

I mean, maybe I would if I made it's. Only one athlete had to do the bar muscle up, that'll probably me dipping the toe and knew it. But but I, but I also think that I would get more if I open up another division for that. However, whenever you open up another division, what happens? It's an added expense for podium prizes, right? So?

Speaker 1:

like yeah, I'll just say it's people don't say that like you, just open up. You know they're like oh, more people. But it's like, now I'm divesting it of a purse, of whatever the purse is. You know the matter of the front half or the back half.

Speaker 2:

Right you almost want to be like you know what, I'll open this up, but you got to bring me three more teams like yeah, anyways. And cash prizes is another big topic to nowadays. I mean, I run all of my comps for nonprofits, so I haven't ever messed with the cash prize, which makes me super proud of the amount of people that we get out here. But now that I'm seeing that if you had a cash prize like wow, it goes up, part of me is playing with that idea of somehow incorporating a cash prize, because You'll get all kinds of walks of life if you say you're gonna give a thousand dollars to first place. You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

When we were done with the comp, I had one of the members of like the the women's crossfit community come up to me. She's from ARCS and she let me know that the owner of CrossFit ARCS was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. I know she's okay with me sharing this because she's kind of gone public with the information. I've talked to her a few times and we didn't know this until after the competition was already off and running. It was like the middle of it and she was able to apply here we go.

Speaker 2:

Here's the word that was looking for at the beginning apply for a grant from From Compete for a cure, and she so the money we raised for our competition was able to go directly to, to Lauren Connor from ARCS, and I think that was a huge thing. For us was like this this thing that we're doing here is supposed to help those in the community, and even more so those like in our direct community so it was. It was unforgettable, it was awesome and I and I'm excited for next year, but I'm also nervous because I don't Topping. That is gonna be fun and a challenge.

Speaker 1:

Yeah yeah, yes so I guess my last question for you I technically have one more, because we should just end it with always the the same question every time. But the question for you Now is how much time do you try to take off before you hop back into it? I know we talked about at the beginning about being excited for the next thing how much time do you think you need off, like to give your brain completely, before you start having the wheel spin it again?

Speaker 2:

um, I guess the month was good, cause I'm hungry for it. This year is exceptionally different, as I'm moving my entire gym, my entire facility, to Asbury Park. I mean, I've been talking about that for a long time now. So you know, a month is good, but, like we did events after that with my gym, you know we did a rock on Veterans Day, and the wheels don't stop turning just cause I completed an event. You know what I mean, but I definitely backed off a big event until then, so I would say a month is the amount of time that I say let me wait on this.

Speaker 2:

The thing about it, though, is, taylor, if you want it to grow, you have to give it constant attention. So, for example, last weekend, I wore my babes and barbell sweatshirt to the Metallands Classic, and, you know, gabe from Paper Street was there, and I made sure to go up and give him a big hug and thank him and keep him informed. The guys from Steel Monkey were there. Same thing, gave him a big hug, keep him informed. Thank John, the owner of the Metallands, for coming out. Travis from Vindicate, we ordered more sweatshirts.

Speaker 2:

So, to tell you the truth, I don't really take a break. I just step off the gas for about a month and, to be honest, I could probably wait until January, because everybody else's feet is gonna be like Christmas crazy and then like, and then hop back on it. So it is during a time where, like during the holidays, I could probably back off a little bit, and I always, always when I run it again, I offer something to the returning athletes Yo, sign up now. And it's only this much, because you would be surprised. I think you'll get this with girls on girls. They'll message you.

Speaker 1:

When's it coming up?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but they'll message you other things too, like when you see them at a comp. They know you and you're. It's just like how you have a King of Pressure community and I have an Asbury Park CrossFit community. There's a babes and barbells community especially not year two and because I sold like things for that brand.

Speaker 1:

The mobility yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it doesn't say babes and barbells, as very park crosses babes and barbells, so there is a babes and barbells community and it is so cool to go to one and see another one of them competing. So if you're babes and barbells athlete and you ever see me at a comp, like tell me when you're going, cause I want to see it, and then and then again again in October.

Speaker 1:

So on that note, what's next? What are you hungry for?

Speaker 2:

What am I hungry for, dude? I just got off like a little meeting about like Black Friday and how to go about Black Friday. I guess, just what am I hungry for? I'm trying to trying to grow our gym community right now and, like I said, we are moving. So the next things I'll be planning are I plan on doing like a soft opening and a grand opening, and then, of course, as I'm thinking about planning the soft opening and grand opening, I get my friend Chris Bellina going. All right, dude, when's the next Phoenix Classic date?

Speaker 1:

And I'm like Ha, ha, ha ha.

Speaker 2:

You're right you're right. Let's do it. I did make qualifiers for fitness of the coast this year, but I'm not sure that that's in the cards for me, being that we are moving. So right now, it's right now everything is about keeping my community tight-knit and giving all of my members my members, my undivided attention. Right now. I would say that's what it's for. Right now, I'm hungry to give my members every piece of me, yep.

Speaker 1:

Hell yeah.

Speaker 2:

Hell yeah, look at that.

Speaker 1:

That's a fucking great way to end right there Giving the members every piece of you, you know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, there's some mom.

Speaker 1:

Just get ready, bro. You know there will be a third strength sport coming out at Supertotal 2024 that everyone will be competing in. Everyone will be throwing down on this.

Speaker 2:

Just like my members, only Supertotal to get them amped up for your Supertotal Cause I really Hell yeah. When Nikki came in last year. But you gotta see this, shout out, Karen. You gotta see my coach, Karen man, he's insane yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I would love to have as many people out there as possible. I, even though we talk about you, try to expand the people that participate in your events. I think that last year was about capacity. As far as time, there's not many more things that I could do with the space that I have right now to make the time better. So right now, for me it's just gonna be about upping the experience, adding and taking away things that will either add or take away from the experience for the athletes there. But, yeah, I can drop that. Right now. There's the date and you could expect to see a third strength sport for everyone to have to compete in at Supertotal 2024.

Speaker 2:

Boom Dude, make that third thing a floater, and then people are working more often or something, I don't know. I'm sure you got the plan up there in your head yeah, the plan's there. Yeah, but I'm excited for it. I'm excited to see what you do next. Keep me in the loop.

Speaker 1:

Hell yeah, dudes. All right guys. This has been Sarah Murphy here, like we said, director of both Babes and Barbels and the Phoenix Classic. Phoenix Classic will be coming up first as far as timeline out there, but we're still a few months away. You guys can go check out everything she's doing at Asbury Park Fitness. That's the Instagram handle of it, sarah Murphy. I believe Both of those things should be short, easy to go find on Instagram, facebook and the interwebs. Sarah, you have any last things to say to the people?

Speaker 2:

No, I mean sign up for our competitions. What are you guys doing? It's a good time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, hell, yeah, go Google that stuff. Sign up for our stuff, guys. All right, so this has been Taylor and Sarah. We're getting out of here, peace.

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Girls-Themed Workout Design
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Promoting Fitness Competitions and Strength Training