Hungry Dog Barbell Podcast
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Hungry Dog Barbell Podcast
Pet Peeves with Ellia Miller
Reacting to everyone’s Pet Peevez.
What is it?
Speaker 2:Are you wearing my shirt? I'm wearing your shirt. Look at that. Hey, look at that. I love when that happens. I was just wearing some. I was wearing my Doing Laundry Today shirt before this and I was like, oh shit. That's why I said two seconds. I ran upstairs I was like, oh, I should put on her shirt, since I'm changing shirts. I love that. That's shots, Right, so, Right, so. So we're here to talk about the pet peeves. Do you want to start with our pet peeves or do you want to finish with our pet peeves?
Speaker 1:Like, let's finish with ours.
Speaker 2:Yeah, let's finish with ours. I can get canceled at the very end of it.
Speaker 1:We'll make it through the whole podcast before we get.
Speaker 2:Fuck it. I mean, I got. I was thinking of mine too. This is so annoying. So when I say it to be funny, so I sent over a screenshot of the a bunch of the pet peeves, I'm like, well, let's not go over all of them, but like, let's pick out some good ones. Do you, do you have your phone, like why you do? You like read through them at all.
Speaker 1:I read through them.
Speaker 2:I didn't like pick out any specific ones, but I'm sure I'll be inspired as we talk through that. All right, we'll do. We'll do that for sure. I want to start off with like the pet peeve thing is supposed to be, like, you know, like fun, just a funny thing. If you guys out there don't know, my Instagram especially is like is just for the jokes, the vibes of the jokes, you know, with a little bit of weightlifting coaching mixed in there, and then I drop it and I'm always like interested to see what the first one's going to be like. Oh, what, like, what kind of energy are people going to start off with today? The first one that I saw and we're not going to expose anyone who did, well, maybe one person that might expose the first one that I saw. This is says married people cheating. I was like I think that's past. What a pet peeve is supposed to be. People out there, whatever situation happened to this person that got them peeved about this on a Wednesday morning at like nine twenty seven, oh bro.
Speaker 1:In Taylor Williams Instagram story.
Speaker 2:Right, oh, damn Is there, is there, is Damn Is there is there? Is there a? We should set this for the future. Is there like a anger meter? Like is pet peeve in the middle? Is it the very beginning? I think annoyed is below.
Speaker 1:Yeah, annoyed. Annoyed is like the start, and then when it gets past annoying, I would say that's when it becomes a pet peeve, and then I think past pet peeve is like maybe frustration and then anger yeah, and then at the top of me is super pissed off.
Speaker 2:Never even look at me again right, like just straight up hostility straight up, the hostileness is coming at you. That's like if I've been doing a workout, you're telling me that I'm moving slow, hostile coming at you. One time, bro, freaking gordy from kop, I was like I said something after the workout like oh man, I was feeling winded, or something like that, and he goes, I I can tell All right, oh my God.
Speaker 2:Literally, literally so next up people went. They went like I don't know, not the opposite, but they went a different route. Someone said people who are unwilling to effectively communicate to solve a minor disagreement. So okay, someone really has you peed with it with that one there yeah, yeah, I mean, that's a big one for me too.
Speaker 1:I'm all about communication. I probably overly communicate and that probably is a pet peeve for people yeah, I love that, but you gotta talk through shit, because if you don't talk through shit, you never know what's going on in the other person's head yeah, I totally hear that.
Speaker 2:And then this is another funny one office toilet paper shit pun intended is rough, it doesn't clean anything. And my response to this one another part of this the pet peeve thing I try to have a funny response if I don't have a funny response like your pet peeve was like a little too serious for me. My response was bring your own wet wipes. And this person said I do.
Speaker 2:I was like oh my god do you have like any weird travel stuff you bring that you're like all right, I need to have this because I don't know what they're gonna have at this place um.
Speaker 1:So for the past two years after semifinals, because semifinals has been in southern california, my sister lives in north hollywood and me and my mom and my sister will go to disneyland. So for the past two years after semifinals, because semifinals has been in Southern California, my sister lives in North Hollywood and me and my mom and my sister will go to Disneyland like a day or two after semifinals is over and my sister always brings wet wipes.
Speaker 2:Hey, there we go. See B-Y-O-W-W, bring your own wet wipes. We learned today that that is a central traveling thing. That sounds like a Julia thing.
Speaker 1:She's a over packer and a prepper person, you know honestly, when I pack for that kind of stuff, the only things I'm concerned about are, like food and supplements yeah, yeah, athlete life I'm just on the move.
Speaker 2:Here's a good one speaking of that, when folks want to be the number police when it's time to board hashtag flying southwest, like the group thing. Like I actually saw the other day someone asking like a flight attendant, no, the gate person, do you guys know what group and number we're in? And they're like yes, we totally know, we can totally tell when you're, when you're checking there, um, it's funny to me is so southwest.
Speaker 1:I I kind of get it, cause like the people who pay for like the earlier groups, they're paying to make sure that they get to pick the seat they want. I get that, um, but when you're on a flight with assigned seats and people get annoyed that like it doesn't matter, the numbers are out of order, I'm like you're going gonna end up in your seat regardless of when you board this plane right it's okay, calm down relax.
Speaker 2:So, speaking of that, do you have any big traveling pet peeves like, especially flying?
Speaker 1:um, I mean, I feel like the first one that probably comes to most people's minds is like when people take their shoes off on the plane. That's just gross. Nobody needs that yeah, no, for sure I hate people get too comfortable anywhere, to be honest yeah you know, keep your shoes on the plane people I think the other, the other annoying one is, uh, people who don't use headphones, and I've seen flight attendants tell people that they need to use headphones or turn their sound off and they'll start arguing with the flight attendant.
Speaker 1:And like they'll even offer them headphones because, like a lot of times, airplanes will have free headphones to give out to people who need them and, like the people won't take the headphones and they just want to play whatever music or movie or whatever they're watching, for the whole plane to hear. I'm like, why are you so against headphones? It's common courtesy. Everybody should know this.
Speaker 2:That is not a pet peeve, that's the fear, that's the full hostile and furiousness, not just on a plane.
Speaker 2:If you were playing your music or anything off your phone out loud out in public. I, taylor williams, hate you. I truly hate you, but a pet peeve a little bit less on the anger scale there. If you were arguing with someone that's just doing their job, like like waiters people, flight attendants and stuff like that. You are some of the worst kind of people out there in life, you know just being rude to anybody in the service industry, is it?
Speaker 1:it makes me angry? It's beyond a pet peeve, it makes me angry bro, they're working.
Speaker 2:That's all they're doing yeah literally a job.
Speaker 2:um, this is a good one. Uh, no, actually, before that one, here's another like service industry, one doctor's office, health care receptionist and like. I feel like when I was a little kid they were the nicest little old ladies in the world, and now these are the most frustrated people that I've ever come across in all of life. Like bro, I'm five minutes late and you're going to charge me one hundred dollars for like a late fee or something like that, but if I come on time, you're going to make me sit for twenty five minutes and then give me attitude like yeah, uh, but I feel like they got that way because they deal with people who are assholes to them all the time, and now they're just completely jaded oh, whatever one.
Speaker 2:When people say I'm not in shape enough to do crossfit, stop it. Um, that's just a good message, it's not a pet peeve. Uh, yeah, uh, you do crossfit to get in shape, so you know I get.
Speaker 1:I get sad when I hear people say that because it just like OK. So sad and also excited because it's sad that people have this misconception of CrossFit, that you have to explain to them what CrossFit actually is and what it can do for them and the fact that it's infinitely scalable. We can modify anything for any activity level injury. You know literally anything and anyone can do CrossFit. And when you're able to get that message across to people, that's really cool.
Speaker 2:Yeah, for sure. And if you want to see the perfect example of that, guys just go back to episode probably 20 or something like that, where aliyah was first on the podcast. So we talk about her just getting into crossfit and you see how you don't have to be an elite level athlete to start, but you can't become an elite level athlete unless you start boom fact look at that you can start 50 pounds overweight, hating exercise and then three times semifinals.
Speaker 1:Here we are.
Speaker 2:Hell yeah, there you go. Look at us. We're doing the promotion for CrossFit right now, crushing it.
Speaker 2:Hashtag CrossFit media team we're talking about how, like one of the biggest things that people come across it for is that like they don't have a media team, like a designated one, and then Dave Castro just shows up and then just does it like better than everyone else. You know, like I'm like damn it, I can't even have athlete interviews anymore, because fucking Castro's doing it with the best athletes and getting the stories that we all want to hear.
Speaker 1:Oh my god there's plenty of other stories out there that people want to hear, though it's and you know his, his things are only five to 10 minutes long. Well, most of them. Uh, there's still a lot of space for third party athlete interviews, media.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I don't know if you saw the I think it was Haley and we were talking about it. He said that he's going to continue doing it. He's like oh to do, uh, affiliate owners, and like all these different people, I'm like castro you're the worst, bro, exactly. There's a lot of grammar ones. People are always on the grammar. Uh, yeah, pet peeve. Are you a grammar police or your grammar officer officer?
Speaker 1:alia I get frustrated um when I see like big businesses, like professional entities that can't produce content that's grammatically correct like if you see a grammatical error on a billboard, or like in a flyer or on a business card on a company's website.
Speaker 1:I'm like, how like is this what we've come to? Kids just aren't reading enough because they're online too much and now nobody knows how to spell or how to use proper grammar. Is that where we're at now? And I feel like part of it is because people don't make an effort to do things correctly on social media and most of the content that kids are consuming nowadays is social media, so they're just like reinforcing bad grammar, bad spelling, all that stuff. It's definitely more than a pet peeve for me. That's like straight up frustration.
Speaker 2:I hear that Rogue out there, get your commas right, because if you don't, I'm not buying your t-shirts anymore. All right, rogue, get it together. And part two, actually the opposite of that. I will say that I also hate it when people on social media they try to be overly polished, like um brands that try to connect with people, you know, by being like down to earth, but then it comes off as overly polished. I hate that like yeah get someone in there that's like youthful. It can help you with your captions and stuff.
Speaker 1:Okay, speaking of, do you follow Bubz Naturals?
Speaker 2:No, what's that?
Speaker 1:It's a. They make supplements. They're like coffee, collagen, stuff like that. So this guy, nate, runs the social media for Bubz Naturals and it is one of the best social media I have ever seen for a business. He's so funny, unhinged and he just like hops on whatever is funny at the time, like uh, have you seen the videos where it's like it'll show a clip of somebody doing like a somersault or getting kicked in the back or something like that, and then it like clips to the person like jumping or finishing the somersault, whatever it like clips to the person like jumping or finishing the somersault, whatever it is.
Speaker 1:He did one of those the other day. It was so funny Like I just I can't, I can't explain. I don't even know how he does it, because every time he posts something I'm like I never would have thought of that. But that's hysterical.
Speaker 2:Right, oh man, I love when people like have just like their, their finger on the pulse, like that. Yeah, yeah, I'm a good person like ariel lowen's, good at that. A random one, wendy's is like, has like a hilarious social media presence. I don't know if you've ever seen like their comments and stuff like that or like uh I think I've seen some of their twitter stuff yeah, it's hilarious that, and like beef jerky, like uh, slim jim they're hilarious, so funny they're everywhere, dude, I'm like you know who's also really good who
Speaker 2:tsa oh my, oh yes, I've seen tsa they're so good yeah, amy used to love tsa, so I've seen a lot of them. They're they really have their finger on the pulse yeah, they do here we go.
Speaker 2:We made it to the leah miller. Uh, pet peeve, habitual lateness. I hate this. Like, yeah, when you're like I don't want to really call out people that are coming across the class because, like you know, they're coming in after their day is over, so I get that. But like when you're a bitch, if you're one minute late every day or two minutes late every day, it's like bro, how could you not have avoided this?
Speaker 1:So I wasn't necessarily saying it about people coming to class because I as frustrating as it can be to be a coach and have people coming in late, I understand that. Like hey, if our last, our last, class of the day is 530. And if you get off work at five and it's like if I hit that, like hey, if our last, our last, class of the day is five 30. And if you get off work at five and it's like if I hit any traffic, I'm not going to make it by five 30. Or if anything, like if, if I get stopped by anyone on the way out of work, I'm not going to make it by five 30, but that's the only time they can make it to the gym, I'm just happy they're there. Even if they're late, I'm happy they're there. I was saying this one more in the sense of like, if you make plans with someone and that person is always late, Hate it.
Speaker 1:Like get your shit together.
Speaker 2:Yeah, especially if you're supposed to like, if you're like, if you give a time, you know it's like bro, I hate it.
Speaker 1:I hate it, like no matter what time of day, no matter where you're going, what you're doing, they're just always late, and I feel like part of that is just the army drilled into me that if you're not early, you're late, and so I feel like I'm always trying to be early places. I also had a mom growing up that was like oh you know, the place is 10 minutes away and we're supposed to be there at two, so let's leave it 12, in case there's traffic.
Speaker 2:Literally, that's me. It's not my brain, though, too, I attribute it to anxiety, but that's exactly me. I'm like sitting there ready. You know I have to. I have to mention one. I don't actually know what it means that I'm going to make ready you know, I have to.
Speaker 1:I have to mention one. I don't actually know what it means, but I'm gonna make up my own meaning for it. It says let's go people say, when people say em isn't goat status, and the only em I know is Aaliyah Miller, so hell yeah, I'm goat status let's go, let's.
Speaker 2:That's so much better than the person is supposed to be. It's supposed to be Eminem and I'm like bro, he's up there, but I mean Aaliyah Miller is still going. In my personal opinion, Eminem should have retired 10 years ago. That's when he was, you know, truly, truly great. Rich Froney did a stay in the CrossFit Games when he was coming in second in individual.
Speaker 1:He got out on top.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I second an individual. He got out on top. Yeah, I do. I do like eminem's new stuff I love.
Speaker 1:Oh, I mean, I don't listen to it, I don't. You know, I don't like it as much as his old stuff, but I still like it to be honest, I don't listen to much music anymore anyway.
Speaker 2:Like, the music I listen to is like background stuff and like eminem's not a background artist to me, so I just don't actually even take that in there. That was a good one too. Someone confronted me about that one too after. So people out there listening know that I do get confronted about the pet peeves and my responses to them in real life. So just take that in there. This is two good ones here. Do I want to go on the last page? No Two good ones here. Do I want to go on the last page? No Two good ones here.
Speaker 2:People talking your ear off, not realizing you're uninterested in a conversation I love that and it's one of my skills to get out of that situation. I will walk away from you, you know, like I have no, and I won't do it in a rude way. I usually do it with people that I like, know have some sort of like back and forth with. But, like bro, people should that know me, they should, they should know. Like, all right, this is something that he really cares about. You know, do you have a tactic to deal with people that, uh, just are talking your ear off?
Speaker 1:um, sometimes I'll try to like come up with an out of like oh, I gotta go do this now, or something like that, or I just gotta go do a thousand step up, sorry sorry, I gotta go do chad yeah um, I I always like the, the things that people come up with where they're like oh sorry, I have to vacuum my driveway.
Speaker 2:I have to walk my pet goldfish yeah, those are always really funny oh man, there's always a classic one uh, people. Someone just said people. That's my pet peeve, just people like well, I I feel that people can definitely some days I feel that it's terrible.
Speaker 1:Um, I have one.
Speaker 2:I want the bolts of the ollie plates face outward on my barbell shout out to sean fantuzzi that was super deep adhd and I'm pretty sure they're supposed to face what he said out. This was supposed to face in or outwards, inwards, right the middle, okay.
Speaker 1:So I don't actually care if they face out or in, they just have to be the same on both sides, otherwise my ADHD goes crazy and I can't handle it. Same If it's two different plates, I struggle to even lift the bar.
Speaker 2:Right, right, and I'll work with a bunch of new people too, especially at Across the Gym, and they'll throw whatever on the bar. Right, right, and I, I'll work with a bunch of new people too, especially at across the gym, and they'll throw whatever on the barbell, like any kind of different branded plates, and they'll even go so far as to do like a 25 on one side, a 10 and 15 on the other side, and I'm like dude, I wish I could tell you right now how terrible you look to me, without sounding pretentious, but I can't, I'm just'm just going to let it go, you know. But I mean, like in an Olympic weightlifting meet or like the CrossFit games, like the bolts, the innermost plates. The bolts go on the inside right so that you can tighten them just in case it gets loose. That's what I think it's actually for.
Speaker 1:Oh, I never thought about that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, that makes sense though. Yeah, because we get loose around the collar, so you can tighten it there, okay. And then you put the smooth side in ones on the outside of the plates because, like, uh, for for pictures and stuff like that at these big events yeah, and I feel like that the other.
Speaker 1:I feel like pictures do always have yeah, I feel like pictures always do have the smooth side out and the bolts facing in, like at the games and stuff.
Speaker 2:Right, yeah, yeah, that's what I. You know what's funny? I googled after that. I'm exposing myself right now. I googled after that like Olympic lifting plates at competition, like all those words, and a picture of CrossFit games popped up and there was the bolts inside. I had to like really zoom into the picture to make sure I could see. But yeah, that's what I would assume, because you could tighten those bad boys so that the center disc stays um tight. Uh, yeah, I like that one from sean.
Speaker 2:That was sean's first pet peeve. There you go shout out to you, sean, um, uh. Then another one, after the people talking your ear off dating apps. Uh, I feel like they could have just left it there. Um, they were talking about opening one-liners and stuff, but I mean it, one of the hardest things you could do is cold call somebody and like when you're on dating apps, it's essentially a cold call, so like I get why that could be super hard. Uh, I'm gonna flip it on its head and ladies and everyone out there really like have something in your profile that someone could make a comment about. Yeah, make them have to pull it out of thin air, you know, because then that just leads to terribleness for everybody.
Speaker 1:Um, I think this one, the this one, go ahead oh, I was just gonna say I think the the funniest pickup line that I ever heard. That actually, I hate to say it worked on me yes, let's go now. We got the content, here we go talking to this guy and we're talking about like walking somewhere and he goes do you like chicken?
Speaker 2:I'm like, yeah, and he puts grab a wing. Oh my god, did you?
Speaker 1:you laughed at the moment uh-huh let's go I laughed and then I grabbed his arm and we walked that's fun.
Speaker 2:I mean it's funny. It's definitely funny. It's really really corny he, but he did that, he, that's a good one. I wonder if he had that like in his back pocket or like how, when he came up with it.
Speaker 1:Oh, I'm sure he had used it before, heard it before, or something.
Speaker 2:That's in his Google search history from three years before that date. That's good. This one I really like this one. I can't believe no one ever said this before. Stepping on a wet floor in my socks the worst. Like you know, people say they hate the word moist. I think it really relates back to this specific scenario, because I can't really think of many other things that actually get moist outside of, like your wet sock. When you just barely touch it to a wet floor, oh, it's the worst feeling in the world like. And then what shoe?
Speaker 1:yeah, so I part of it. For me is beyond just having a wet sock, having only one foot that has a wet sock is even worse.
Speaker 2:That's just terrible. Like nightmare territory right there. I hate absolute nightmare. All right, so that's most of the peeves. Now I'm gonna hit you with my pet peeve that I thought about yesterday driving home. My pet peeve is that there is a company, a brand, I don't know what to call them out there, a conglomerate of people, most likely that it wasn't good enough for them to run one terrible competition a year. They have decided to run two and take it to the west coast you're really trying to get canceled.
Speaker 2:I mean like I'm not sorry I didn't know. This is where we were going I'm not sorry, but that's just my pet peeve. Like what made you think? What? Not what made you think? Because the metrics and people come into the competition every year. But like, are you gonna fix any of the things that people complain about?
Speaker 1:what amazes me is there's so many issues and so many things that people complain about, but there's also, like a massive community that thinks everything they do is perfect and loves all of it and eats all of it up, loves every second of it, no complaints about anything, and those are the ones that keep going back and keep them running the way that they're running I mean, because what is better than a pitcher on a competition floor with the Miami sun behind you?
Speaker 2:I mean it's kind of hard to argue with that. So like, that's why I said I get it. But like, are you going to fix any of the things that people have gripes with, you know?
Speaker 1:like, it's also. It's also hard like so me personally. I have been very frustrated there and I've said that I'm not gonna go back. And then I end up going back, partially, because it's like it's everybody. I know and I miss my friends and I want that, like you know, quote unquote family reunion at the competition and I want to see everybody and I want to be involved in all the exciting, fun things that are happening. And it's like, do I put up with maybe less than ideal competition conditions to be there? Maybe yeah.
Speaker 2:I mean that's, that's. I've heard that story so many times. It sucks to say, but that's just kind of how it is. I mean, after seeing someone like multiple people, like face plant because they don't have room on the competition floor and they're trying to sprint to a side, like it's just, yeah, you're, you're gonna, you're gonna make two of these. Okay, got it got it.
Speaker 1:Uh, I think one of the craziest things that they do all the time. I think they've done it every year a max lift on a floor that's not level yeah love it literally blocks holding your barbell from rolling back that's wild and we're maxing out a clean or a snatch or overhead squat, whatever and we're not talking about the people that are freaking coming to the brawl on the burbs, you know like where.
Speaker 2:I only need to put out like 300 pounds of plates out there, like no, 400 pound, like jerks happening and snatches you know, yeah, nuts, but anyway, tell us your peeve. Hopefully it's less traumatic than that.
Speaker 1:I don't think this one will get me as canceled canceled as bad as yours. Mine is fake niceness, like I am all for nice humans. I consider myself to be a nice human, but when you project this fake niceness on social media and then in person, you're just a bitter asshole or a bitch or whatever it makes me so so mad bitch or whatever it makes me so so mad Like you do not. And I guess it boils down to anybody who tries to create a persona online. That's not them. Like, just be yourself. Why is it such a bad thing to be yourself online? People? People freak out about it. I'm like it such a bad thing to be yourself online People. People freak out about it. I'm like there's nothing that people will connect with better than you being authentic and it just. I just get really frustrated when I see fake personalities on social media.
Speaker 2:Yeah, for sure, you know, be you. I know we live in the age of like selling a personality, but like pick a better one or one that's more true to you out there. Yeah, all right, this is a lot of fun. I'm talking about people's pet peeve. Man, get to do something with all the content every week. Now maybe we'll do another one of these. Hell, yeah, we're going to get out of here now. Dolls, I'm going to end the recording. Peace.