Hungry Dog Barbell Podcast
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Hungry Dog Barbell Podcast
Selena Swanger
Selena Swanger back on the podcast to talk Metcon Rush, transitioning to higher level competitions and of course some of our Pet Peeves!
You just did Metcon Rush. We were talking about right. You were conflicted on if you should do this one right. This is your first elite competition after the open quarterfinals and all that. Why were you conflicted before Break it down for the people?
Speaker 2:Well, I did do the elite comp, the Meadowlands, but it wasn't super big that was the first year, yeah. Yeah, that was in November. It was a one-day comp, three events, I believe. This one was a two-day comp. I've never done a two-day comp before.
Speaker 1:How many workouts was it? Do you remember?
Speaker 2:four and there were any workouts, was it, do you remember? Um technically six, but um two of them were like paired together, so essentially five, six scores um. So first two-day comp, um a lot of big names there, um semi-final and games athletes, so that that was like. I was, like I don't know if I should cause I haven't been training for it, like I didn't train for it.
Speaker 1:Um right Just been working out.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I was. I was off for a couple of weeks. I got my uh septum repaired and I thought it was full. So I had actually made a comment on one of their posts that they made, I guess, about the workouts. And I was their posts that they made, I guess, about the workouts and I was like, oh, like I love this, like I'll have to sign up next year. And they actually messaged me and they're like, oh, we still have like four elite spots left. And I was like, ah.
Speaker 2:And so I was like, oh, like I wasn't really training for it and like I'm still kind of getting back into it, but like why not, right, um, so that's why I was hesitant. But I was like you know what, like go for the experience, meet new people, um, you know, kind of see what it's like with some of those like higher level athletes, just to see like the difference. And that was crazy, because you're like I'm like pretty good, right, like you like to think that you know it was, um, definitely a good experience, but definitely was like, wow, there's some really good athletes. There's a lot I still need to be, not even a lot that I need to be better at, I just need to be fitter, like that's really all it is is being fitter and being faster and being able to do the same thing faster than I'm able to now right I mean, you gotta see the you gotta see the next level to know what to trade towards right yeah, what's it?
Speaker 1:what you're, what you're shooting at, like in general, like yeah, which was cool.
Speaker 2:Um, so that was nice and I think you know, for me it just comes down to adding more volume to my training, um, doing more like double sessions than just twice a week, probably so, and that's a lot like that's. That's a lot to you know.
Speaker 1:Prepare yourself to do mentally um, yeah right, not just physically, like that's like more commitment. A lot to you know, prepare yourself to do mentally. Yeah Right, not just physically, like that's like more commitment, right, like, okay, I'm doubling down, tripling down, I'm putting all my eggs into one basket and I work right.
Speaker 2:So it's like, okay, I got to go at 6am and I got to do this, and then I got to shower and go about my day and go to work, and then I kind of come back after work and so there's not a lot of time for other things which I already.
Speaker 1:I mean, it's not like I do a lot anyway, but um, you hear that, jenny Butler, she's coming in at 6.00 AM to get ready for the double downs.
Speaker 2:Yeah, She'll love me. She'll love me for that I did. I was like during like open training and stuff was going. I remember you said that yeah what Tuesdays and Fridays um for mornings. So I would go in at like 6, 30 or so um and do that, but I was doing that from, I think, september, until the open oh so a pretty early start to open training what do you think separates like elite from just like your regular RX?
Speaker 1:Like if you see that on a comp poster, like, what do you think they're trying to like convey? What do you think you're going to be challenged by when you get to that comp?
Speaker 2:Um, well, I definitely think I mean the difference. I think really comes down to, um, you know the athlete's capacity, um, especially if you're looking at something that's. You know, elite was a two-day comp, the rx was only a one-day comp. Um, again, I've never experienced that, so like knowing how to manage, like your soreness and things like that, um, but, and they just train a lot more they, and so when you train more, you have more output.
Speaker 2:Uh, so I think that's one thing that really differentiates, other than like throwing in, like the handstand walks for elite and had the pirouette, like you're making the skills a little bit harder yeah that's not to say rx can't do it, but for somebody who's maybe in between, if you can kind of do pirouettes but you're going to struggle with it, you know, maybe you back down to the rx or if your capacity is not there to be able to do two days. I think that's really all it comes down to is just building your aerobic capacity and just having a higher capacity to do things. I think is really what comes down to it, aside from, obviously, some of the specific skills that are like ring muscle-ups and the pirouettes and pull you know pullovers and bar muscle ups and you know, maybe you do have bar muscle ups but maybe you don't have the capacity to do 10 unbroken for four rounds and that's like right so with a high heart rate like, like straight up, you know.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah. So I think that comes with, you know, training capacity of your skills. Like I used to only be able to do sets of three ring muscle ups and now I can do 10 sets of five, and that'll just slowly increase over time the more you work on it.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:And that makes me more confident in workouts with three muscle ups, where I'm like I can do a comp now that has ring muscle ups in it, because I'm you know, I've worked on that and I've worked on the capacity of my strength in it and it's I have more confident in it now.
Speaker 1:Right now to the bag, now to the toolbox there. Speaking of dude, how's your hands?
Speaker 2:They're all better.
Speaker 1:Hey, wow, that was quick.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Oh man, lucky you. Was that the worst time you ever ripped your hands?
Speaker 2:I think so, Like I think that was even worse than like gymnastics.
Speaker 1:Oh, oh yeah, I forgot you had the gymnastics background. Did you rip a lot back then?
Speaker 2:I did, but I ripped more like up here under my fingers and this was like on my palm. That did not feel good. Um, in gymnastics I would rip on my wrist too from like the grips being here, but I think that might have been my biggest rip to date, honestly that's terrible man I remember a few years it's.
Speaker 1:It sucks when you go through that like you can't use your hands.
Speaker 2:Really you know no like I put latex gloves on to shower oh, my god, that's.
Speaker 1:Did it get stuck to your hand a little bit? Did you have a band-aid on top of that?
Speaker 2:no, I put um I put vaseline gauze taped it, put a latex glove on and take the glove to my arm oh, so the water like can prepare you for the pain that you feel when you have to put water on, even just water like not even soap water. Oh my god, I was like stomping the ground and like punching the sink. It hurts so bad it sucks.
Speaker 1:There's like I forget what the name of this stuff is, but there's like stuff that you could like put on your hands to make it like heal faster, like a crossfit brand. And someone gave me a bottle and I had no idea what it felt like. I like thought in my mind maybe it's going to be like peroxide or some kind of cleaning. It'll stick a little bit. I put this small little drop on my hand and I swear to you, selena, I dropped down to my knees and like raised my hand up in the air and like had tears damn near coming out.
Speaker 1:It hurts so bad, like it was a small straw, it sucks, it's the worst thing, like it's taught me. Like I won't push now, like before I would push if my hands were like feeling a little sensitive and I would just let it rip if it was going to happen. Now I'll stop, I'll do something else. Like it's just not worth it. You know no matter what the workout is and I felt it that day too.
Speaker 2:I like felt my skin, skin like pull up at first, like just pull away but it had that feeling and I was like oh no. And then I did another set and I was like yep, that just ripped.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'm not there, no more. That's exactly what I'm talking about. I want to stop Like when I got that feeling like fuck it, like I had good sets already.
Speaker 2:I wanted to do more than seven sets of five, because that's what I did last time and I was like I want.
Speaker 1:I wanted to get ten sets of five.
Speaker 2:So then, after I ripped, I ran and grabbed my grips and finished three more sets of five see?
Speaker 1:no, that's why you're gonna go on to elite. That's what you gotta do right there get the volume, that's the difference.
Speaker 2:That's summed up right there.
Speaker 1:That's the difference that's it right there. After that I had just walked out too, like I like a second before that.
Speaker 2:So when I went on instagram, I know, yeah, you recorded my like second set, I think and then yeah, and then it happened on like the seventh one or something six or seven yeah, that sucks, but all right, here we go.
Speaker 1:Let's talk about these back con rush workouts. Tell me, what was your, your favorite workout to do the whole weekend.
Speaker 2:So obviously I love gymnastics so I did really like the ring muscle-up, handstand, walk, pirouette and row. But by the end of the weekend I kind of think I liked the toes-to-bar double-under and clean-and-jerk workout Because one it was fast, there wasn, there wasn't like a lot of time there to suffer, you just like kind of did it and you're done, um. But I think I liked it the most because for me it was like my biggest win of the weekend.
Speaker 2:Um, because the clean and jerks were at 185 for the girls yeah and there were six of them and I power cleaned and power jerked all of them and it's just not something.
Speaker 2:I would have been able to do like even a year, maybe even like seven months Well, maybe. But like you know, a year ago would not have even been able to do a workout like that. I would have had to like at least squat, clean them and probably would have failed some workout like that. I would have had to like at least squat, clean them and probably would have failed some. Um, especially on the second day, and it was the very last workout, so I think for me that was like that was a special moment for me. Um, it was like wow, Like I felt like I belonged there, I felt like all of my hard work is finally showing and it was just like really cool for me and I finished the workout in the time cap, so it was all around just like very cool workout for me a big hell yeah.
Speaker 1:To finish off on that's yeah.
Speaker 2:I was like, oh my god, like I just did a workout with 185 clean and jerks and I finished it, didn't struggle, didn't miss one, like it was just very cool.
Speaker 1:So that's dope. I know it was like a short time span before we between like when you signed up and when you actually went out. Did you practice that one at all?
Speaker 2:Um, not straight through. I practiced um a couple of variations of it. Variations of it, um, trying to think the. The one that I did was like a max set of toes to bar, 50 double unders and then max clean and jerks in 30 seconds. So, um, and I did it for like four rounds. So where this one? It was like you do all the toes of art, you do all the double unders, you do all the clean and jerks, so the clean and jerks like felt hard when I was doing that, cause I was like going back to the toes bar and I was going back to the double unders and then I was doing more clean and jerks.
Speaker 1:More fitness yeah.
Speaker 2:More out of breath, cause it was constant thing. Um, and then I think, the other one, I did an imam style so I did, you know, a minute of uh, toes, bar minute, double unders and then a minute of clean jerks. So still not the same, because it was still not like one, two, three yeah, not on the competition floor yeah did you do that?
Speaker 1:what was the was there? I think it was this year the quarterfinals workout. It might have been for age groups too. That had like the clean and jerk ladder in it. Did you do that one?
Speaker 2:yes, I did that was lighter than this, though yeah, it was like 10, 10, 10 and then like max reps yeah, at the last bar yeah at, and you had like a minute rest in between or something like that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, um, how did that one go for you Like how, how did your clean and jerks feel then? That was like what, march or whatever versus now.
Speaker 2:Um, yeah, I mean, that workout went well for me, um, not comparatively speaking. When I saw other girls' scores I was like I thought I did good. I think I did 16 clean and jerks at 165. In a decently short time frame, because I think the total cap was fairly short.
Speaker 1:Was's a 12 overall, something like that something like that.
Speaker 2:Yeah so, so like that, and they felt good, um, but I would say, you know, with all of the front squatting and everything that I've been doing, the 185 probably felt not much heavier than the 165, which is good because that means 185 is feeling light, um, yeah so, um, and I caught them all pretty high, the 185s, so that was that was good too. It wasn't like a barely power struggle stand up kind of thing.
Speaker 2:Um so yeah, I mean comparing the two I would say, uh, they almost felt pretty similar. So that's always a good thing. When it's heavier, it feels lighter.
Speaker 1:Let's go. So we were. This wasn't a thing. It's probably was your favorite workout. But let's talk about the snatch. One man, you had the max snatch too. What was that event? How did that go?
Speaker 2:Yeah, so it was a five minute like EMOM style, to establish a one rep max and you could take a minute off. You could you know you could only take one turn if you really wanted to and then a two minute rest and then into Isabel.
Speaker 1:Was it? Was it one attempt per minute?
Speaker 2:is that is that what it was. Yes, yes, so, um, unfortunately, something like I don't know if the times got changed or what happened, but I had like barely 10 minutes to warm up. So I was like, oh my god, and I wanted to open at 155, and because I didn't have enough time to warm up, I ended up opening at 145 um, so I was like one one weight back that I that I wanted to be, which is unfortunate because they actually felt really good even with not a lot of warmup, and I think I could have hit 170 for a PR Um, but my last attempt ended up being the one 65.
Speaker 2:So I was like ah, um, if you missed one of the attempts.
Speaker 1:Could you, could you do it again at that minute? Or was it just one attempt? I don't think so.
Speaker 2:Not from my understanding, yeah it was like, yeah, um, so you know, I hit 165, which is still only like three pounds off of my best, so it wasn't a bad day, um, but I wish and that's my fault, like I wasn't paying attention, so I wish I would have had more time to warm up, um, so that I could have, you know, felt better and started higher and stuff with the plan and shit.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that 170 attempt. I know I'm very upset oh man, because the snatch pr.
Speaker 2:On competition day, there's nothing better I know, I know, and then, because I didn't warm up, and then going into like heavy snatching immediately, then as soon as we started, isabel like the whole my like hamstrings and like butt, just like fired up and like my isabel was like horrible. I was like, oh, like was burning, like immediately I'm like okay, well, that's how this is gonna go.
Speaker 2:So yeah I know, and like the day, the day that I practiced just three max unbroken sets of snatches with like a minute rest in between or whatever it was, um, the first set I did 15 and I was like okay, like that felt pretty good, like I I could probably do 20. No, I could barely get 15 at the conference because I was like oh my God, everything is burning. I like feel like I can't even lift this. And then I started doing singles and then I was at like 25 or seven or I don't know. I was like almost done and I failed one.
Speaker 1:Oh, my, oh, that's the worst.
Speaker 2:And like everything was just so like tired that it like stopped in front of my head and I like kind of shook a little bit and then it fell in front of me and I was like what just happened?
Speaker 1:yo, failing a snatch is one of the most costly things ever and at 95 pounds I was like okay yeah, like my body was shot at that point.
Speaker 2:So that's that was yeah, that was not not the highlight of my weekend oh man.
Speaker 1:So what was the worst workout for you? Was that, or was there something else that happened?
Speaker 2:um, let's see. The first workout was the pirouettes, second was a snatch, third was the snatch, the fourth was um, what was the fourth workout? Was the fourth workout the farmers carry? It was at the fifth workout. I'm trying to think. Was it? Was it there? Yeah, side note.
Speaker 1:Frosted Westchester does more carries than any gym gym. I've ever seen me and Julia talk about that all the time.
Speaker 2:Overhead carries, farmers carries, every kind of carry let me see, um, let me look really quick. Um, let's see, let's see, because I know there was one, one, two, three, oh yeah, the, the unbroken complex thrusters, and then the max burpee box jump overs uh, I believe it.
Speaker 2:I remember the day you practiced that yeah, and it was really hot that day and I was falling apart, so that was definitely um, maybe I don't think it was my worst finish, but I was not having a good time. Um, I did the first round of the complex unbroken and the first set of thrusters, unbroken, and then I think I got like 14 burpees and I was like okay, but then I was like, oh, this is really hard, um, and go to do the gymnastics. I'm like I'm going to break it up. So I did the pull-ups and chest to bar, unbroken, came down, jumped up, did my bar muscle ups, came down. And then I remember, and then I think I broke. I think I did like eight and seven for the thrusters, but then I got like six burpees, I think, like it wasn't good, um, and then when we were like resetting, I noticed that my grip had like a rip, like at the bottom, like this big, and I'm like my grips have literally been fine for like four years Like this is going to rip, like I knew it was going to.
Speaker 2:So I jump up for the third round and I do seven pull-ups and I wanted to do seven chest to bar too, but at like on the seventh pull up, ripped like my grip, ripped in half so I had to come down. The grip flies off Like it's a mess. I have to pull my grips off, chalk my hands, do seven chest to bar. Come down, chalk my hands and I have to do seven bar muscle up without grips. I gripped the bar with my thumbs, which I never do Like it with my thumbs, which I never do like it was just so like messed up. And then at that point I was just like okay, I'm like ready to be done. And I don't remember what I did for the thrusters, maybe 10 and 5, but like I took a long time, like in between the 10 and the 5, and then I think I got like four burpees at the end, like it was not good and then there's, like the girls who there were a couple girls who tied for first got 51 burpees in total
Speaker 1:yes, it was like, was that four rounds? Three oh what I mean. They had to got 25 plus on one of those rounds that's what I'm saying.
Speaker 2:And I was like happy with my 14 yeah, damn yeah so, um, and the one girl um me and another girl ended up talking to the one of the girls who got 51 and you were like, oh, like you know, the one girl was like how'd it go? And she's like I did all right, I guess, and she was like I got 51, you did great trust me, I'm here to tell you you crushed it oh my god absolutely crushed it so that's something where it's like that's just like capacity right, like you just have a higher capacity and can just move um right.
Speaker 2:And I was like, okay, I gotta work on my capacity, I guess burpee capacity it really hurt, you know yeah, yeah, I mean being able to do you know the thrusters quickly, which is like I like. Thruster is one of my least favorite movements, so I knew that was going to be a not great workout for me, even mentally.
Speaker 2:So we just got through it yeah I was honestly kind of glad my grip ripped because I'm like okay, so there's like there's an excuse there, right, like how to come down, how to take off my grips? How to chalk my?
Speaker 1:hand. Have my hand fall off, yeah I feel.
Speaker 2:But then for the so the toes bar workout was last, so I had a ripped grip and thankfully I'd like there was one girl there who I competed with at the meadowlands and then there was another girl who I was like talking to throughout and she ended up her like stuff was set up next to mine in like the athlete area, um, and she's like I have an extra pair. Like you can use mine tomorrow, like you can use the extra ones tomorrow, um, I like my grips small so that it like gives me an extra like hook almost on the bar yeah and these were like this, much longer than my hand and so yeah.
Speaker 2:So when I was doing my toes to bar, like while it protected my hands, I didn't feel like I had a good like fold on the bar, so that definitely made my toes to bar a little bit harder. But you know what are you going to do.
Speaker 1:That sucks, let's see. I'm just checking to see if we got any update. No, no update from the games yet oh boy guess, guess it's going forward. But dude, that's nuts. Man like to have that happen mid competition and uh, have to deal with that and then do another workout where you need your grips, like, yeah, so you always go thumbs over, you don't have to wrap your thumbs well that's the way it's supposed to be yeah.
Speaker 2:So I think the grips that I use are like wide enough that it makes it almost hard to use my thumb. But I've never used my thumbs. I'll use them for strict pull-ups, like for strength, sometimes not all the time, but sometimes um.
Speaker 2:But in gymnastics we did not swing bars with our thumbs because if you were to go backwards around the bar with your thumb like you break your thumb yeah, so as a gymnast, we always did like this and then when we did like a cast, a handstand, like you would like put them over to like support you, but then as soon as you start swinging, you like move them back over yeah so for me it's just, it's very normal and my grip strength is good that I don't not that I don't need my thumbs, like it probably would help me in some cases, but like I'm just used to it at this point.
Speaker 1:So I do. I do my regular, my chest to bar, my toe to bar. Actually, I've stopped my toe to bar now too. The, the. I do the two pull-ups with my thumbs wrapped and then I can't do a bar muscle up with my thumb wrapped, like I have to go over. I can't do toes party more like that.
Speaker 2:I feel like too with my thumb. It makes it harder for me to get my hand like on top of the bar, like this yeah and then, instead of holding on like this, you, you know, you want your wrist to be pointed up and I feel, like with your thumb around, with smaller hands too like that makes it harder so you're in this position.
Speaker 1:Yeah, definitely sucks, man. So you were just talking about, like, meeting a bunch of people there too, like how was that? Like was it? Was it an inviting elite level of competitors?
Speaker 2:Yes, definitely so. Well, the one girl I already knew, so it was nice. I got to like see her and talk with her. And then the other girl who let me use her grips, she was set up right, right next to me, super nice, like we were both, you know, we're all kind of. We were like all kind of in the same boat. We're like oh, like we didn't really train for this, like we're just going to try and have fun, and it was that was like supporting, because I was like for me, I'm like, oh my God, like I'm going to look like an idiot because I didn't train for it and people are going to think I'm not fit and you know whatever. She's like, oh girl, like you know, I didn't train either, like I'm just here and I'm like, ok, me too, like it made me feel better. Super nice though and you know, unfortunately, when you meet people a Saturday, but she lives in Cincinnati, so it's a little far nice little day trip there for a workout yeah, um, and then I did meet another girl.
Speaker 2:Um, she is in like the Easton area, so she's only like an hour away. So we talked about, you know, maybe getting together on like a Saturday sometime and you know, working out, so that would be nobody there. Whether you're doing gymnastics or you're competing in like the elite, even if you're competing in the scaled right, like we're all doing the same thing, we're all doing hard things, and so I think that that's something that the CrossFit community is really good about is acknowledging that we're all doing something hard. So, whether you come in last or you come in first, like you did a great job, like you're out there and you're doing it and like that's awesome.
Speaker 1:Unless you're Kara Barkward out there, you're terrible like that's awesome, unless you care, mark word, mark, word out there you're terrible.
Speaker 2:Yeah, fuck you kara. Um no, actually I will say she's like jumped in with me on some stuff and she will die for me like she will kill herself to keep up with me. Like we did um murph together and I was still like recovering so but we did it um like Cindy style and I'm like go in you know whatever, and like she's kind of dying like a little bit and I'm like you don't have to keep up with me and she was like the fuck I do. Like, yes, I do.
Speaker 2:And she did. She literally like died to keep up with me. And then she like jumped into like one of my interval workouts and it was like five, at least five rounds. But if you're holding the same pace, like keep going until you fail. And like the snatch weight went up and everything. And she, we finished the fifth round, we're both dying. Like it was hard and I was like well, I kept my same like snatches, so I'm gonna do a sixth round. And she pretty much like when we finished the fifth, was like I'm done, you know whatever. And she saw I was like getting ready for my six and she was like, okay, like I guess I'm doing six too. So she did the six and then I was like, ah, like I need to do seven because I did good in the six I.
Speaker 2:I'm still dying. And I was like are you done? And she's like I'm not done if you're not done. Um, and so like I will say, like she is very good at pushing herself and she does not give herself enough credit. I think like she's a lot better than she maybe even wants to be, but I think she has really great potential. But she says she hates competing. So, um, you know there's that.
Speaker 1:But she like, I give her credit I don't, yeah, I don't know if we're gonna get her to do a comp again, but yeah, kara's hilarious man like well, maybe she'll do maybe. I think that's a huge maybe, like the biggest maybe you could possibly. That's the maybe that it is for her.
Speaker 2:Well, she asked me if I would want to do it with her, so maybe, maybe we'll jump in there.
Speaker 1:Oh my God, it's going to be the craziest day, then if that, if that happens, yeah.
Speaker 2:Kara is the easiest person to talk to in a peer pressure FOMO.
Speaker 1:She has never, she's never, like probably ever let FOMO just pass her by.
Speaker 2:I think she's always succumbed to it probably ever let FOMO just pass her by. I think she's always succumbed to it. Definitely not um. But back to your point about, like you know the Olympics and you know gymnastics and CrossFit and everything. I think something I mean, even in gymnastics you know we were always happy when our teammates were doing well.
Speaker 2:When you know, and gymnastics it's so weird because in college it is very much a team sport, like nobody really cares about the individual results in college. Um, in club gymnastics it is very much individual. It is it's you and it's about you. And you know you as an individual can qualify to the states, regionals, nationals, whatever. Um, as an elite you're really just there for yourself. If you're trying to go to the olympics, like it's for you, right, like it's very individual. And then at the olympics they obviously have the team competition, which I feel like in the olympics is bigger than um it is in club gymnastics, but then they still do the individual all around and they do the individual event finals and everything. So gymnastics is a little bit of both and so in college it was very much we wanted everybody to do well because we wanted the team to do well and we wanted the team to win.
Speaker 2:Where in club it's kind of like you're almost like hoping somebody falls so that like you win next up yeah, it's very strange, and so I think, um, you know, for for me too, something that's been difficult with some things that I've dealt with in the past just last year um is, I think the majority of people understand that we're all doing hard things, we're all doing good.
Speaker 2:If you're competing at the elite level, like you're a good athlete. Um, and for me, in my head, I'm like, if I don't get like top five, or if I don't podium, like people aren't going to think I'm good at CrossFit or they're not going to think that I'm fit, they're going to think X, y and Z, which maybe some people do. But I think the majority of people understand and will congratulate you, no matter, like where you finish and like all 30 of the girls that were there are really good athletes. Like not everybody can podium there's only three podium spots, um, and unfortunately I have experienced that personally where it's like, oh well, you basically did this, so like you're not good enough.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And it's like okay and so like that kind of stuck with me and so like I think this that weekend was really good to be around people who understand that, no matter where you finish, you are doing a good job and you are fit and you're this and you're that and whatever. So that's been something that's been like difficult for me, that I'm like working on getting over, just based on personal experience.
Speaker 1:But because, like even in the sport of fitness, like the result at the end of the weekend or the end of the day or whatever the competition is, is it like the full picture of your effort and the work that you've been doing? You know, like it's a, it's a representation, but it's not the full picture, you know yeah, everybody's at a different spot in training.
Speaker 2:I personally had had three, four weeks off from training, right after you know. Yeah, everybody's at a different spot in training. I personally had had three, four weeks off from training right after you know, quarterfinals, um, and two weeks leading up to the comp, was dealing with some back issues, was dealing with some back and nerve issues at the comp, so, and you don't know what people are going through. So, um, oh, like she, you know, came in last in that workout. Like she's not even good as she thinks she is, or she's not as good as she makes herself out to be on her Instagram, it's like, okay, well, instagram is one, a highlight reel, right, like for most people, um, and two, like I, just I just post, like my lifts and I post my workouts and I'm not saying anything about, like I'm going to go to the games, you know, or I'm you know this or that. Like I'm just like this is what I did today. I'm excited.
Speaker 1:This is what I did today.
Speaker 2:Like hit a PR move Like so.
Speaker 1:I think.
Speaker 2:I think you know social media obviously is like, can very much be misinterpreted and misunderstood. And you know, I've even had, like Kara has pointed out some things to me about before she knew me about how you know, maybe some of my stuff came off and I'm like I didn't see it that way, Cause it's not how I intended it to be. But then you never know how people are going to take it. So you know, social media is hard. But but to like, point fingers and be like oh, she's not as as good as her social media makes her out to be, it's like what does that even fucking mean? Like?
Speaker 1:listen. This is. That's the perfect segue to be saying this I have. I like to. We do the pet peeve thing on the podcast. I want to give one my pet peeve thing on the podcast. I want to give one. My pet peeve is people that judge other people for putting themselves out on social media because they are too ashamed, afraid or shy to put themselves out there.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that is your pet peeve If you do that, if you have some anxiety that is causing you to be too shy to put yourself out there on social media, because if you're viewing someone, that means that you're on it and like you're like I don't like you're in the social media world. Don't hate on someone else.
Speaker 2:That is not shy I know, especially when it comes to like girls, and it's like like she posted her bathing suit too much, or all the time, or whatever, and it's like, and so do you literally so do you, and you know what I don't care because, girl, if you're comfortable to post in your bathing suit, do it like good for you, and so will I. So why are we talking about it?
Speaker 1:not gonna go too deep into this, but I just called out someone for that exact thing. Uh, this morning, I'm just gonna leave it there, but I just had a conversation with somebody about that. Ate up like eight hours I've had multiple conversations.
Speaker 2:Oh my god, and drives me crazy. I'm like why do you? And like why do you care what I'm posting? And like why do you care what I'm posting? If you're posting the same thing, so we're the same. So what are you saying?
Speaker 1:well, according to this person, they're not. Oh so yeah, I just called somebody out for that. That's where that's a. So that's a funny thing good for you uh, uh. But yeah, you know, I don't like it when people I don't like double standards. I think that's just whack. I'm whack. No, I think everyone's entitled to their opinion, but don't hold me to a standard you don't hold yourself to.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:That's just whack, I think it's like that's whack, that's whack.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's wild.
Speaker 1:So, anyway, pet peeves now. That's really funny. One of my favorites was what did this person say um automatic sinks? And I don't. What do? What do people? What's people's beef with automatic sinks do you? Do you know why someone would have beef with that?
Speaker 2:automatic what sinks like that you wash your hands at and shit oh um and and maybe maybe because if you move your hands like just slightly out of the way, it turns off oh, that does piss me off, not a consistent water flow that.
Speaker 1:That's past the p for me. I hate that. If they're your person out there, you're talking about that. I hate that shit too.
Speaker 2:I hate when I go to the bathroom and the sensor does not work like not even not even those, but the ones that you like have to push down and then, as they rise in, the water stops.
Speaker 1:Like what's the point?
Speaker 2:Why is that even a? Thing?
Speaker 1:Who came up with this?
Speaker 2:person out there.
Speaker 1:If you're talking about this, I thought that they were going like some like save the world route. I was like, ok, maybe it's something I'm educated on, but if you're talking about that, I am with you. I hate that shit.
Speaker 1:I that's what I would do and I'm always like I'm not coming back to this establishment because your, your hand dryer doesn't work. Two things if, if I go into your bathroom, you don't either have paper towels that's stocked or your hand dryer doesn't work and your, your sink doesn't work either. Oh man, I'm living. I'm walking out of there thinking about freaking, leaving a review.
Speaker 2:I hate that oh yeah, public bathrooms are interesting and they're all different.
Speaker 1:They're all different and I know which ones are good ones.
Speaker 2:That's what I know yeah, yeah and honestly I would. I would rather take paper towels over the hand dryers, like just let me get them dry real quick and then I'm done.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:The hand dryers. You gotta like do this and it just takes too long. I'd rather have paper towels.
Speaker 1:I feel that I'm sorry world, I'm sorry planet out there.
Speaker 1:Yeah, there's another one that's that said people that don't recycle, and I want to save the planet, but one of my favorite things online right now is when people say the conspiracy from Big and then they insert whatever kind of corporation. Me and Aaliyah always say Big Oreos. Like oh, they're trying to take down regular chocolate chip cookies or whatever. Like, oh, they're trying to take down, like regular chocolate chip cookies or whatever. Yeah, this comes for me from me watching a documentary about recycling and how it's pretty much all fake across the US. Exactly Like, apparently. So I'm sorry out there everybody, if I don't recycle as much anymore, it's just because I saw the number system and how it works and I hate to break that to you right now.
Speaker 2:So I know, I've seen that too. Like it sucks and you're like you think you're, you're helping, but then where it actually goes and everything is like not actually helping.
Speaker 1:So yeah, big recycling is big, big trash out there they're faking us out. That's what's going on, yeah, pretty much. Yeah, faked up, I feel like there was.
Speaker 2:I feel like there was one hold on, let me see if I can find it really quick. I think I saved it well. Rep Shavers is funny because nobody likes them.
Speaker 1:Oh, backhanded compliments oh yeah, I hate that yeah, backhanded compliments. I don't know, yeah, like just tell me you don't like me. Like, yeah, I'm a big fan of like, just just put it out and open oh, alias unannounced power outages. I was like, do they usually announce?
Speaker 2:I don't think so yeah, first world problems.
Speaker 1:I know she was like. She was like, no, well, pico cut the power off and they should have announced it to us that they were gonna do it. I was like, damn, I think should have paid your bill. Then yeah uh, first one of the day, unidentified stomach problems from kara and I love that everyone knew about her stomach issues yes, I know poor girl hasn't been in the gym because of it.
Speaker 2:She came the other day and then she's like I think I'm just gonna go home she told me she was like I walked right out.
Speaker 1:All right again, something else that we're not gonna go into, but someone has returned to talk about married people cheating uh, yes and they added on and they're friends that support them. Um, this is not the place for this kind of piece. File that on a different Instagram. This is we're talking about the funnies here. You, whatever the person out there that has that issue file that issue somewhere else. That's not for here.
Speaker 2:Has that been the same person every time?
Speaker 1:It has been. Yes, this is their third week doing that, submitting.
Speaker 2:Oh my God, that been the same person.
Speaker 1:Every time it has been yes, this is their third week doing that submitting. Oh my god, I was like I don't have anything else to say to you because I don't know what you're talking about. Um, this is the one for me. This is my last peeve when the gas station pump says please see, cashier yes that. That is what I was gonna. That is the one I, I, I'm like nope, don't need a receipt. I'm gone Like I'm I don't care if I'm after E like I'm going to a different gas station.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:It's not because I don't want to like see someone, I just why. How did you, how, how, how did the pump fail Like you only had one job pump? How did you pump fail Like you only had one job pump? How did you fail? I get so pissed.
Speaker 2:Well, I hate too when it says that when you're done like see cashier for receipt, I'm like no, I'm not doing all that, I don't need a receipt, I'll see it on my bank statement.
Speaker 1:Right, right, yeah, no.
Speaker 2:I'm not driving cross-country for freaking, I don't know, joe small or something like that. I'm just trying to go to home and work. All right, bro, I need this freaking receipt. Yeah, that's the worst. I hate that.
Speaker 2:Uh, I have um, I have a gas card that I use for work, if I'm like traveling, um, and it was the very first time I was using it and I went to what is it? The? The Luke oil that's right there by the gym, yeah, by the Chipotle and it kept saying like it wasn't working. And I have to put in, like my odometer reader and I have a like a driver's like pin number, um, and it just it wasn't working, it wasn't working. And I'm like I kept trying it and I'm like this is a gas card, like it's supposed to work, like what do you mean? And so I'm like this is a gas card, like it's supposed to work, like what do you mean? And so I'm like calling work and I'm like telling her and she's like on the phone with the people, it was like a whole thing. And then she was like um, maybe like try a different gas station and see. So I drove down to wawa worked. I'm like, okay, I can't go to luke oil, I guess I would have been pissed.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I was so mad, I was like, I just want my gas there's this gas station out in Tumulipi.
Speaker 1:I have two clients that I go to like three times a week and last week it was fucking up but I was trying to get gas and I was pissed. It's like one of the last gas stations before it freaking happened on 476. And then I stopped there Wednesday or something like that, say Thursday, yeah so yesterday to get a freaking energy drink and I see a line of cars at all the pumps and they're all having the same issue and I was like all right, I'm never coming here again. Like how could your readers be down to judge?
Speaker 2:yeah, I'll. I'll avoid certain gas stations if it is like too complicated to just get in and out of, even like off of whatever. Not doing it, not doing it, thanks.
Speaker 1:A hundred percent say, but there's some wawa's that I hate just because of that reason, Like if it's bad or it's like oh, when you go to exit like this, this exit out of the parking lot, you can't turn left. Oh, you're not going gonna control me with where I can turn all right, yeah, I'll turn left, I won't be, I won't be back here one and I'm turning left.
Speaker 1:I'll let you know that, like oh god, especially when I was younger and I learned that some of them like had like a certain time that you could turn it.
Speaker 2:I'm like all right yeah, it's like no turning left from like four to six or whatever You're like okay, Like all right.
Speaker 1:I'm definitely telling the cop. Oh sorry officer, I thought it was this time. I lost track of time. Yeah, so anyway, I hate trash parking lots. That's that's my other peeve. People that judge people and double standards and fricking stupid parking lots that's my second one. That's a lesser peeve, you know so. So, dude, what's next? Right, metcon rushes in the bag there. Do you have any other comps you're going to eye for the rest of the year or are you just going to push towards the open now?
Speaker 2:Yeah, so I had talked about not doing any more comps for the rest of of the year. I do usually do the kennett square comp, um, and the workouts do look fun, so I'm considering that. Um, I did ask somebody if they wanted to be my partner. I'm just waiting to hear back. If they're doing fittest to the coast, um, so may or may not be doing that, and then, depending on kara's stomach and and her shins, um, we may do the comp at westchester, um, let's go but but other than that, I don't think so.
Speaker 2:Um, I think I would like to, uh, moving forward, like figure out a couple comps per year that I like absolutely want to do, and like that will be that. That way I'm prepared for them. Like, I definitely want to like keep Metcon rush, um, as one that I will do every year, um, and definitely Dewey, because Dewey is like one of the most fun ones, um, and then, outside of that, I mean I'd like to maybe get another individual one in there, um, just because it's so different than doing a partner comp, um, and yeah. So I mean, and I feel like individuals can be tough to find. So I know there's. I feel like they're coming around a little bit more, um, which is nice. So I'll have to just kind of like look and see what's going to be out there next year, um, and I will definitely plan to train for Metcon rush next year.
Speaker 1:Let's go.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so I'll be a little more prepared and I won't take four weeks off beforehand.
Speaker 1:so oh man, I can only imagine, because I could go either way.
Speaker 2:It could make you feel refreshed, or it could be like I feel super slow when I'm moving yeah, yeah, very like out of breath on things that I shouldn't be out of breath on and I'm like God, like I feel so unfit. That's the worst. That is the worst feeling and like trying to get like you know cause you're not in open shape year round, but trying to get into open shape is so annoying.
Speaker 2:Like it sucks, Like those first couple of weeks you're like I am so unfit and this hurts and it's so hard. And then you go through one four-week cycle and you're like I feel so much better. Well, you got to train for 20 minutes, that's what the?
Speaker 1:workouts all are running in a circle for 20 minutes.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and like all of my like morning sessions are like endurance, like cardio, whatever. So they do like bike intervals or running or rowing intervals, or I'll do like a bike and burpee and like that's the stuff that nobody wants to do, but it helps so much.
Speaker 1:Yeah, mindless stuff in the morning, that's good.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so I know, and like I repeat some of the same stuff Just to see like how much better I know. Uh, and like I repeat some of the same stuff just to see like how much better I do, so like I did like a, a bike double under burpee thing it was like burpee over bar Um and would do it one week and then do a progressions of it and then you know, like five weeks later, whatever, do it again and see like how much better I did Um, I've done a 21 minute EMOM of like bike, bike row and burpee over bar Um, and like minute one was so many calories on the bike, two was so many calories on the row and then three was like 12, burpee over bar I think. And the very first time I did it I could not hold the calories that I was like supposed to on the bike and just kept doing it every fucking week and then it finally became like easy and I was able to like easily hold it.
Speaker 2:I'm like this is why I love fitness, because you like see, you can see the progress in that, and then you don't feel like you're dying hell.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's progress, that's fitness. You know, those are the things that help you get fitter that was like one of my like least.
Speaker 2:I hated every time it was programmed for me. I'm like not this again, because you know the exact things that fraser like said that he trained.
Speaker 1:You know, that's, that's what. That's what his lifeblood was develop all that fitness yep trying to develop my fitness it's funny. I was thinking about, too, like why you're saying this, like it's about to be september, so it's about to be that time I know it's crazy.
Speaker 2:Um, I think last year we started. We started kind of getting into like open, open training, obviously not like the uh, what's the word? One thing yeah yeah, not the full-on thing where you're doing like workouts that crush you but starting to like build the endurance back up and everything. Um, I think we started that in august and then we started the double sessions in september, so yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:Well, it's about to be that time three weeks you won't see me at 6 am because I uncover one next week, but like I'm definitely not gonna do that every week, man, that's way too early for me so early. I'm more like an 8 o'clock kind of guy, like I'm going to train at like 8 tomorrow, I think, trying to get there before it gets hot yeah, I know, the heat is killer right now, although it is raining right now thank god.
Speaker 1:Alright, dude, this has been another great episode. Thanks for coming on again. I won't see you this weekend. I'll be out in North Carolina as long as the storm holds off no anniversary party. I know it sucks. I was like Jenny, come on now, why would you have your anniversary when I'm leaving? She's like how the hell would I know that?